Calcified Fragments

Revision as of 20:04, 16 September 2015 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

Calcified Fragments
Calcified Fragments
Type Consumable
Rarity Legendary
Function  ?????
How to Obtain
Acquired by Scattered throughout The Dreadnaught

There are 50 Calcified Fragments on The Dreadnaught. Each Calcified Fragment is obtained through a different method. Players will obtain Sleeper Stimulant?? by collecting all 50 of them.

1. Calcified Fragment I

Fourth story mission "Enemy of my Enemy". Progress through the mission until you exit the Cabal ship into the "Mausoleum" area. Head down straight ahead until your right as far as you can go until you reach the circular platform before the large open space. Open your ghost to show the hidden path to jump across and follow it into the distant right side. Once on the right side, follow that around and the calcified fragment will be over there.

Calcified Fragment I Video Guide

2. Calcified Fragment II

Fourth story mission "Enemy of my Enemy". Progress through the mission until you exit the Cabal ship into the "Mausoleum" area. Head down the path on your left hugging the wall and enter third door on your right (down the set of small stairs, over the little blockade). Enter the room and then head to your left after the initial hallway. Go straight ahead and behind the pillar thing coming out of the ground, and the calcified fragment will be here.

Calcified Fragment II Video Guide

3. Calcified Fragment III

Fourth story mission "Enemy of my Enemy". Progress through the mission until you exit the Cabal ship into the "Mausoleum" area. Head down the path on your left hugging the wall and enter the second door that's after the small set of stairs. Turn left in this room and go into the little crouching area. Inside this room there will be a ledge above where you crouched in, the calcified fragment will be on this ledge.

Calcified Fragment III Video Guide

4. Calcified Fragment IV

Fourth story mission "Enemy of my Enemy". Progress through the mission until you exit the Cabal ship into the "Mausoleum" area. Head down immediately to your right until you see the long pillar on it's side with a red pattern on it, the calcified fragment is ontop of this pillar when you go underneath it and see from the other side.

Calcified Fragment IV Video Guide

5. Calcified Fragment V

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission until you get to the "Hull Breach" area. Once you enter the big open Hull Breach area, head to your immediate right towards the large green ship/engine. Head through the archway towards the green ship and continue to your right. Once you hit the flashing light area, the calcified fragment will be immediately to your left inside the metal framework on the ground.

Calcified Fragment V Video Guide

6. Calcified Fragment VI

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission until you get to the "Hull Breach" area. Once you enter the big open Hull Breach area, hug the right wall past the first door until you find a broken ledge to fall off. Under this broken ledge there will be a door. Go to the left inside here and crouch into the little hole. Go straight ahead in the first hole, and then turn a left when you can. Go straight through the next room to crouch into, and in the back left the calcified fragment will be here.

Calcified Fragment VI Video Guide

7. Calcified Fragment VII

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission until you get to the "Hull Breach" area. Once you enter the big open Hull Breach area, head straight ahead and then to the left where all the large bent metal rods out of the ground are. Once you start hitting the ones with electricity out of them (far left), there's a little tunnel underneath that first area. Head down that tunnel and to the left, and then to the left again where there's a little light. In the corner behind this light there is a calcified fragment.

Calcified Fragment VII Video Guide

8. Calcified Fragment VIII

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission until you get to the "Hull Breach" area. Once you enter the big open Hull Breach, on the left of you where the wall is broken there is several levels that you can jump up. Jump up all these levels of the wall to the top and the calcified fragment will be there.

Calcified Fragment VIII Video Guide

9. Calcified Fragment IX

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission until you get to the "Hull Breach" area. Once you enter the big open Hull Breach area, towards the right where the large ship/structure that the Cabal come out of is located. Before that ship there is a little mound with a broken in half pillar with red/grey stone where it's broken. The calcified fragment is on this mound.

Calcified Fragment IX Video Guide

10. Calcified Fragment X

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the "Hall of Souls" area (where the second invisible platforms spawn). Cross the platform and to the left side. Go through the room on the left to the other side where you will have a slight open area. On the opposite side of where you're standing there will be a little room. Enter this room, go to the right and crouch through, Crouch straight through the first room to the second, and then make an immediate right as you enter the next room. In this area the calcified fragment will be located.

Calcified Fragment X Video Guide

11. Calcified Fragment XI

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the "Hall of Souls" area (where the second invisible platforms spawn). Cross the platform and head the the first room on the right side. Continue through the first room to the right and straight through the room where you take out the ship's weapon (not to the left where the mini-boss spawns from the portal). When you're through this room there'll be a somewhat open area, and to the right up high there will be a platform. Pull out your ghost and jump on the invisible platforms to get up there, and calcified fragment will be up there.

Calcified Fragment XI Video Guide

12. Calcified Fragment XII

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the "Hall of Souls" area (where the second invisible platforms spawn). Cross the platform and head the the first room on the right side. In the first room there will be some pillars against the wall, the calcified fragment is on this wall slightly to the left behind those pillars.

Calcified Fragment XII Video Guide

13. Calcified Fragment XIII

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the "Hall of Souls" area (where the second invisible platforms spawn). Cross the platform and head the the first room on the right side. Continue through the first room to the right and to the left down the hallway of statues to where the mini-boss spawns from the portal. Once you're on this outside platform, head immediately right and look at the pillar in the middle of the death zone, the calcified fragment is on the side of it.

Calcified Fragment XIII Video Guide

14. Calcified Fragment XIV

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the point where you need to scan the worm on the ground. From here, head into the room where you need to crouch on your right, and then head immediately to your right where you need to crouch again. Head left and all the way to the end of this corridor to the fallen over pillars, and the calcified fragment will be underneath these.

Calcified Fragment XIV Video Guide

15. Calcified Fragment XV

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the disappearing platforms that require you ghost. Head directly across while pulling your ghost out and enter the first room where you have to scan the worm on the ground. To your right there is a couple of pillars that are tilted, the calcified fragment will be at the top of these.

Calcified Fragment XV Video Guide

16. Calcified Fragment XVI

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Once you land, at the very start you are on a little walkway that sticks out from the Dreadnaught. Immediately drop down to your left under the little purple/red/maroon banners and onto the dirt pile and hop over it a little bit, the calcified fragment will be right there.

Calcified Fragment XVI Video Guide

17. Calcified Fragment XVII

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Once you land, continue all the way to the end of the first area (skipping the door you're meant to enter) and head right down a little hallway. The calcified fragment will be on the left.

Calcified Fragment XVII Video Guide

18. Calcified Fragment XVIII

In the "Regicide" story mission, prcoeed through the mission until you face the two bosses before the second portal. After you beat the bosses and go through the portal, you will end up at the "Trenchway" and need to cross a bridge. Once you cross the bridge, head to the left corner and the calcified fragment will be there.

Calcified Fragment XVIII Video Guide

19. Calcified Fragment XIX

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the disappearing platforms that require you ghost. Head directly across while pulling your ghost out and continue to the right passed the room you're meant to enter. There will be a platform further along, pull out your ghost and it will reveal the hidden platform. Head into this room, kill the Thralls and head to the hallway on the right. The calcified fragment will be at the end of this hallway.

Calcified Fragment XIX Video Guide

20. Calcified Fragment XX

Third story mission where you first go to the Dreadnaught. Progress through the mission up until the disappearing platforms that require you ghost. Head directly across while pulling your ghost out and continue to the left until you reach the edge. Pull out your ghost and it will reveal a path that's back to the side you just came from, but slightly up and to the right. Head into this room pulling out your ghost and on the left side of the room the calcified fragment will be near the pillar on the left.

Calcified Fragment XX Video Guide

21. Calcified Fragment XXI

This one can be found in The Founts on Patrol. To get to The Founts, go to the Mausoleum in Patrol and if you were facing from where you came out of the Cabal ship in an earlier mission, hug the left wall and go all the way until the end of the Mausoleum before it has the large open death area. Before this on the left there will be a door that leads you to The Founts. Just continue straight ahead after entering and the calcified fragment will be at the end of the first hallway behind the metal gate/wall ahead.

Calcified Fragment XXI Video Guide

22. Calcified Fragment XXII

This one can be found in The Founts on Patrol. To get to The Founts, go to the Mausoleum in Patrol and if you were facing from where you came out of the Cabal ship in an earlier mission, hug the left wall and go all the way until the end of the Mausoleum before it has the large open death area. Before this on the left there will be a door that leads you to The Founts. Continue straight down the hallway until you can turn left into The Founts. Once in here, immediately turn right and there should be a door/archway on the wall. Jump on top of this, and then jump again to the one the next level up and the calcified fragment will be here.

Calcified Fragment XXII Video Guide

23. Calcified Fragment XXIII

This one can be found in The Founts on Patrol. To get to The Founts, go to the Mausoleum in Patrol and if you were facing from where you came out of the Cabal ship in an earlier mission, hug the left wall and go all the way until the end of the Mausoleum before it has the large open death area. Before this on the left there will be a door that leads you to The Founts. Continue straight down the hallway until you can turn left into The Founts. Once in here, turn left and go through the first doorway ahead until you can drop down in the middle of the room. Drop down, continue forward and then right, and keep going straight until you see the hole in the wall at the other side of the room. Before the hole in the wall, turn left against the wall and go into the corner. Turn around, pull out your ghost and it will show a scanned area that you can shoot/break and the calcified fragment is in here.

Calcified Fragment XXIII Video Guide

24. Calcified Fragment XXIV

In the "Regicide" story mission, proceed through the mission until you reach the zone "The Asylum" (after the first portal). When you head to the outdoor area, head immediately down your left on the metal ramp/girder and the calcified fragment will be there.

Calcified Fragment XXIV Video Guide

25. Calcified Fragment XXV

In the "Regicide" story mission, proceed through the mission until you reach the zone "The Asylum" (after the first portal). When you head to the outdoor area, head to your left halfway down the stairs and pull your ghost out to reveal the hidden platforms. Jump onto the first platform and turn around, and follow the next platform underneath and behind you. The calcified fragment is in the room under the bridge you came from.

Calcified Fragment XXV Video Guide

26. Calcified Fragment XXVI

27. Calcified Fragment XXVII

In the "Regicide" story mission, proceed through the mission until you face the two bosses before the second portal. After you beat the bosses, go through the portal and the calcified fragment will be behind the coffin behind you on your right.

Calcified Fragment XXVII Video Guide

28. Calcified Fragment XXVIII

29. Calcified Fragment XXIX

30. Calcified Fragment XXX

31. Calcified Fragment XXXI

32. Calcified Fragment XXXII

33. Calcified Fragment XXXIII

34. Calcified Fragment XXXIV

The A Scent is Key chest. This is done on Patrol Dreadnaught. If you're coming from where you exit the Cabal ship on the Enemy of my Enemy mission into the "Mausoleum" area, head down the path on your left hugging the wall and enter the second door that's after the small set of stairs. Turn left in this room and go into the little crouching area. Inside this room there will be a ledge above where you crouched in, and a chest of maggots. Stand next to the crouch of maggots for roughly 1 minute, and then yo will get a debuff called "Scent of the Worm" with a 1:00 timer. From here you need to exit the room and run to the far right of the Mausolem, where you then need to pull out your ghosts and run across the invisble ledges to the far left platform. On here is the chest that requires "A Scent is the Key", and you will be able to open it for the calcified fragment.

Calcified Fragment XXXIV Video Guide

35. Calcified Fragment XXXV

36. Calcified Fragment XXXVI

37. Calcified Fragment XXXVII

38. Calcified Fragment XXXVIII

This is done on Patrol Dreadnaught. To obtain this, you first must have the Wormfeeder Rune random drop from mobs in the Dreadnaught. From there, you can use the Wormfeeder switch in the Hull Breach area which summons a rare Hive mob Blahgrish. You kill this mob and he drops the Wormfeeder Rune. You then must kill 50 enemies without dying in the Dreadnaught and you get a random key (in this case, Key of Yuul). The key of Yuul is in the Hall of Souls area as shown in the video on a ledge up high. Had someone in the same fireteam get the same Wormfeeder Rune however he got the Key of Ur and it gave him the same XXXVIII Calcified Fragment.

Calcified Fragment XXXVIII Video Guide

39. Calcified Fragment XXXIX

40. Calcified Fragment XL

41. Calcified Fragment XLI

This is done on Patrol Dreadnaught in the Court of Oryx. To do get this you must have a Stolen Rune (can be bought from Eris Morn at Rank 5, or random drop from Court of Oryx) and defeat 3 Court of Oryx events to charge it up. After the third charge you can then use the Stolen Rune to summon the tier 2 boss in Court of Oryx. After you defeat this you get the calcified fragment.

Calcified Fragment XLI Video Guide

42. Calcified Fragment XLII

43. Calcified Fragment XLIII

44. Calcified Fragment XLIV

45. Calcified Fragment XLV

46. Calcified Fragment XLVI

47. Calcified Fragment XLVII

48. Calcified Fragment XLVIII

49. Calcified Fragment XLIX

50. Calcified Fragment L

Last modified on 16 September 2015, at 20:04