Sparrows are fast, hover-bike vehicles that travel on land. It is the main form of transportation in Destiny. Players can access their Sparrows after summoning their Ghosts. The vehicles function similar to mounts in other online games, allowing players to cover long distances in short time.
Players can change their Sparrows by equipping a different one from their inventory page. Players can purchase different Sparrows from the Shipwright in The Tower. The rarer Sparrows have better stats, they have more durability, speed and brake.
Types of Sparrows
Tier 1: Common
Players obtain their first Sparrow, Sparrow S-10, in the level 4 Story Mission The Warmind. Sparrow S-11 is the upgraded version of the default Sparrow. It is currently unavailable.
Sparrow | Speed | Durability | Abilities |
Sparrow S-10 | 3 | 70 | Boost |
Sparrow S-11 | 4 | 80 | Boost, Quick Brake |
Tier 2: Uncommon
Players can purchase S-2X series at the Shipwright for 2250 Glimmer each if the players are level 8+. They can also obtain them by turning in Deployment Orders obtained from level 15 Story Mission Exclusion Zone. Additionally, players who pre-ordered Destiny from GameStop will receive a Sparrow S-10V as a bonus.
Sparrows | Faction/Class | Speed | Durability | Abilities |
Sparrow S-10V | Vanguard | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-20 Cavalier | Titan | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-21 Cavalier | Titan | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-22 Cavalier | Titan | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-20 Nomad | Hunter | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-21 Nomad | Hunter | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-22 Nomad | Hunter | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-20 Seeker | Warlock | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-21 Seeker | Warlock | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
S-22 Seeker | Warlock | 5 | 90 | Boost, Quick Brake |
Tier 3: Rare
Players can purchase rare Sparrows from Crucible Quartermaster and Vanguard Quartermaster for 175 Crucible Marks and 175 Vanguard Marks respectively. Players will need to have Rank 3 with the respective factions to purchase them.
Sparrows | Vendor | Speed | Durability | Abilities |
Sparrow S-30V | Vanguard Quartermaster | 6 | 100 | Boost, Quick Brake, Strafe Thrusters |
Sparrow S-31V | Vanguard Quartermaster | 6 | 100 | Boost, Quick Brake, Strafe Thrusters |
Sparrow S-32V | Vanguard Quartermaster | 6 | 100 | Boost, Quick Brake, Strafe Thrusters |
S-30C Phoenix | Crucible Quartermaster | 6 | 100 | Boost, Quick Brake, Strafe Thrusters |
S-31C Phoenix | Crucible Quartermaster | 6 | 100 | Boost, Quick Brake, Strafe Thrusters |
S-32C Phoenix | Crucible Quartermaster | 6 | 100 | Boost, Quick Brake, Strafe Thrusters |
Tier 4: Legendary
Legendary Sparrows
Players can obtain XV0 Timebreaker from the Raid Vault of Glass. Players can obtain SV7 Lightbearer from Trials of Osiris in The Crucible.
Sparrows | Acquired From | Speed | Durability | Abilities |
EV-30 Tumbler | Pre-ordering The Dark Below | 6 | 120 | Boost, Destabilizers, Strafe Thrusters |
EV-31 Nightbird | Pre-ordering The Dark Below | 6 | 120 | Boost, Destabilizers, Strafe Thrusters |
EV-32 Snowblind | Pre-ordering The Dark Below | 6 | 120 | Boost, Destabilizers, Strafe Thrusters |
EV-33 Dragonrider | Pre-ordering The Dark Below | 6 | 120 | Boost, Destabilizers, Strafe Thrusters |
XV0 Timebreaker | Vault of Glass | 6 | 120 | Boost, Overdrive, Strafe Thrusters |
S-13 Graverobber | Crota's End | 6 | 120 | Boost, Overdrive, Strafe Thrusters |
SV7 Lightbearer | Trials of Osiris | 6 | 120 | Boost, Overdrive, Strafe Thrusters |
SV7 Marrow's Gait | Trials of Osiris | 6 | 120 | Boost, Overdrive, Strafe Thrusters |
SV7 War Runner | Trials of Osiris | 6 | 120 | Boost, Overdrive, Strafe Thrusters |
F11 Scavenger | Prison of elders?? | 6 | 120 | Boost, Overdrive, Strafe Thrusters |
Upgraded Legendary Sparrows
Players can obtain a Legendary Sparrow by upgrading a rare sparrow with Emerald Coil, Plasma Drive, Stealth Drive or Void Drive. Each Vehicle Upgrade cost 23 Strange Coins. Vehicles upgraded with Emerald Coil will emit a green contrail while boosting. Vehicles with Stealth Drive will leave a red contrail while boosting and vehicles with Void Drive will have a purple contrail.
- Sparrows upgraded with Plasma Drive will not have a different contrail when boosting.
Tier 5: Exotic
Players can obtain Exotic S-99 Dawnchaser by ?????
Sparrows | Speed | Durability | Abilities |
S-99 Dawnchaser | 6 | 120 | Boost, Strafe Thrusters, Overdrive |