
Revision as of 22:30, 22 August 2015 by Coolio (Talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Upgrade 3" to "Perk 3")

Class Warlock
Subclass Sunsinger
Type Super
Perk 1 Song of Flame
Perk 2 Radiant Skin
Perk 3 Fireborn
Description Fill yourself with Solar Light, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of all your abilities.
Key Bind L1 + R1

Radiance is the super ability of Sunsinger. Radiance dramatically increases the effectiveness of all your abilities for 13.73 seconds. While Radiance is active, you become more resistant to all enemy damage (you take half damage). Your Grenades recharges a lot faster and Scorch recharges a little bit faster. Your melee attack gets a massive damage boost. Scorch now deals 1.7x the base damage. It will 1-shot any player in The Crucible.

The Cooldown reduction of Radiance scales with Discipline for grenades and Strength for Scorch. Additional points in these stats further reduces the cooldown of those abilities when you have Radiance active.

While Radiance is active, all of your kills generate Orbs of Light. Basic mobs give 1-2 orbs; Majors and Ultras drop around 4-8. You have to deal the final blow, though.

Tips and Tricks

Last modified 10 years ago

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