Wanted: Wolf High Servitor

Revision as of 20:16, 30 June 2015 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)

Wanted: Wolf High Servitor
Wanted: Wolf High Servitor
Task Hunt a Wanted High Servitor down in the Temple of Crota on the Moon.
Description "The Wolves have sent one of their High Servitors into Hive territory. Hunt it down." - Petra
Experience 3500
Reputation 100
Wanted: Wolf High Servitor is a Common Wanted Bounty. It requires a player to Hunt a Wanted High Servitor down in the Temple of Crota on the Moon.


Select Patrol on the Moon. After landing drive right to an area called Anchor of Light. At the center of the area, you will see a big mushroom-shaped building . On the right side behind the building is a small entrance to the Temple of Crota area. In the Temple, move up on the right, here is a small Way and at the End you will find the Wolf High Servitor.

Ether Chest Locations

Tips and Tricks

Wolf High Servitor Location at the Temple of Crota
Last modified on 30 June 2015, at 20:16