Royal Amethyst

Revision as of 23:43, 26 May 2015 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

Royal Amethyst
Royal Amethyst
Type Consumable
Rarity Legendary
Function Given to Cryptarch for Glimmer, 2500 or 5000.
Description Shards of rare Glimmer-laced gems from the Queen's Crystal Barrows.
How to Obtain
Acquired by Completing House of Wolves Story Missions

Royal Amethyst is a Legendary consumable item that can be turned in at the cryptarch for a 2500/5000 glimmer reward. It can be acquired by completing the House of Wolves Story Missions.

There are 2 types of Royal Amethysts:

100 is worth 2500 glimmer.

100 is worth 5000 glimmer.

ConsumablesMaterialsMission ItemsBountiesCurrencies
Last modified on 26 May 2015, at 23:43