Wanted: Drevis, Wolf Baroness

Revision as of 13:44, 24 May 2015 by Majinko (Talk | contribs)

Wanted: Drevis, Wolf Baroness
Wanted: Drevis, Wolf Baroness
Task Hunt Drevis, Wolf Baroness near the Cosmodrome's Forgotten Shore.
Description "Drevis led a strike of Silent Fang in the Raze of Amethyst, an attack which killed my sisters. Show her no mercy." - Petra
Experience 4500
Reputation 250
Wanted: Drevis, Wolf Baroness is a Common Wanted Bounty. It requires a player to Hunt Drevis, Wolf Baroness near the Cosmodrome's Forgotten Shore.

Ether Chest Locations

6 Possible Locations:

Forgotten Shore Ships + Ether Chest spawn locations

Tips and Tricks

Use arc weapons (the Vestian Dynasty helps a lot here) to kill the scorch captains. Take the scorch cannon and fire holding down the right trigger then releasing to do more damage. When a skiff appears to drop the next wave, fire at the ground under where they drop holding the right trigger to max out the damage. Release the RT when a group walks over the scorch rocket. You can take out most of each wave this way. When the Wolf target spawns, nail them with a rocket holding RT for max damage and release. Easy way to solo.

Last modified on 24 May 2015, at 13:44