Urrox's Grudge

Revision as of 23:18, 20 May 2015 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)

Urrox's Grudge
Type Arena
Location The Reef, Asteroid Belt
Players 3
Tier 3 Level 34
Description The Flame Prince Urrox vows to burn the Light until all that remains is Darkness and bone.
Urrox's Grudge is a level 34 Challenge Mode in The Prison of Elders Arena. While it requires a group of 3 players, this mode does not have automatic match making.

Players will receive House of Judgement +300, Weapon Core, Etheric Light upon completion.

Urrox, the Flame Prince

Every minute the boss will cause the ground to ignite for 10 seconds. During that time, players will take solar damage when they are touching the ground.



Titans - Run Defender. Honestly there's a lot of wiggle room. If you want to play it safe, support your team with Blessing. Do not go with Armor. If you're confident in your team, run Weapons for extra damage.

Hunters - Run Gunslinger. Solar abilities are always a plus on Solar Burn, plus your Triple Jump will be a life saver. You want to be in the air for as long as possible and this is the way to do it.

Warlocks - Run Sunsinger. Don't worry about Fireborn for self-revive. Instead use Song of Flame to help your team. Grenades are vital during Urrox's burns because it's the best way to keep advancing adds off your team while you're constantly jumping. Angel of Light is great for these burns too in order to mow down adds while evading Urrox's burn.


Abyss Defiant Icebreaker Black Hammer Gjallarhorn Hunger of Crota

These are all excellent weapons for Urrox. I know everybody hates Auto Rifles now, but trust me, the Abyss does work here. With Wizard blind, solar damage, and Hive Disruptor you're going to want to bring this with you. If you don't have it, use your best solar legendary. You might even be able to use the Vex here, but you'll be hitting those primary synthesis fast due to low ammo and there are better choices for your exotic slot.

The IB/HoC and BH/GHorn combos are what you want here. Run one of the other. I myself don't have a GHorn so I ran with IB and HoC. Now on to the strategy


Hit a heavy synthesis before you enter. Trust me, you'll need it.


As soon as the door opens, everybody rush left. Wait for the cutscene and then ignore everything until you get to the far left wall. There's plenty of cover here and decent sight lines for you. This is the hardest part of the entire fight. Everything's going to be coming for you at once, so be prepared.

This is where your roles come in. Two people will at all times be focused on adds. Use your rockets on adds. Do not waste them on Urrox. At the beginning all three of you can focus on adds, but once you get things under control have your hardest hitting player focus on Urrox. Black Hammer does wonders here. If you're comfortable you can have a TItan throw down Weapons here, but you may want to run Blessing just to be safe. Have somebody watch for add spawn. When they show up, burn them immediately. 3 Icebreaker shots will take down an ogre here as a level 33, and it's best to put them down fast. Remember to save your rockets for Wizards and Knights. Very important because they can wipe a team very fast.


Watch for the notification at the bottom. When somebody sees it, tell the team to get ready. He will not start burning until the red text shows up, so don't jump early and waste it. This is another difficult part because it's hard to focus on adds here. Warlocks and grenades in general shine here. Use them on rushing thrall and keep in the air. You will take damage so don't worry, just focus on minimizing it. Hunters, make sure you rock that triple jump. Titans, this is your time to throw down that blessing. Warlocks, a good radiance can work wonders. You're the best at fighting while airborne, you can regenerate everyone's grenades, or just use a bunch yourself. Use that to help your team. Self Revive can be helpful but honestly it's better to do what you can to keep everyone alive instead of having a back-up revive here.


Do not get cocky. Do not panic. You've got this. It's an easy pattern. Keep cool, follow these steps, and you'll have him dead in no time.

For those focusing on adds, if all adds are dead feel free to Icebreaker Urrox a couple times. You can help with the damage and the ogre spawns next to him so it's easy to see when the next wave of adds is coming. If you are on support and using Icebreaker, it is very important that you leave at least 2 bullets in your magazine at all times. Never empty it. Not even when you think he's almost dead. Just wait. Those IB shots can save you. By the time adds show up you'll have three shots, which can take down one of those devastating ogres. Remember to be prepared and support your team here.

A little long I know, but this is the best way to do it. Go out there and kill yourself a Flame Prince. And enjoy that guaranteed Etheric Light.

Last modified on 20 May 2015, at 23:18