I4I Reciprocal

I4I Reciprocal
I4I Reciprocal
Type Hand Cannon
Slot Primary Weapon
Level 20
Item Level 60
Rarity Legendary
Damage Type Kinetic
Attack 248-300
Impact 94
Rate of Fire 15
Range 50
Stability 12
Reload 9
Magazine 7
Zoom 15
Recoil 90
Equip Speed 20
Aim Assist 50
Description Lex talionis.
I4I Reciprocal is a level 20 Legendary Hand Cannon. I4I Reciprocal can be acquired in The Arena.

Mods and Upgrades


Special Upgrades

Optional Upgrades

  • Random:
  • Random:
  • Random:

Damage Upgrades

Tips and Tricks


Last modified on 13 January 2015, at 02:12