Hunter (Grimoire Card)

Revision as of 00:14, 19 July 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)

Hunter (Grimoire Card)
Hunter (Grimoire Card)
Category Guardian
Subcategory Classes
Points 0
Acquired by Creating a Hunter character.
Quote "Our old worlds have grown feral-rabid beasts with teeth of rust and ruin. But such beasts are meant to be tamed. Or broken."
Description Hunters stalk the wilderness beyond the City, harnessing the Light to reclaim the secrets of our lost worlds. They are daring scouts and stealthy killers, expert with knives and precision weapons. Hunters blaze their own trails and write their own laws.
Class: Hunter is a Grimoire Card in the Guardian category and Classes subcategory. It can be obtained by creating a Hunter character in Destiny.
Last modified on 19 July 2014, at 00:14