Vex Minds

Revision as of 22:53, 11 November 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)

Vex Minds
Vex Minds
Level Req  ??
Task Kill 10 Vex Majors or Ultras.
Description Target the powerful Vex Minds to disrupt their command network.
Experience  ???
Reputation  ?

Vex Minds is a Basic Vanguard Bounty. It requires the player to Kill 10 Vex Majors or Ultras.

Tips and Tricks

  • Winter Run/Archon Priest strikes, Praetorians at the VoG raid, and Citadel section on Venus are good places to find Vex majors. There are also some Axis Harpies on some of the later Venus and Mars missions.
Last modified on 11 November 2014, at 22:53