Tengoku FR2

Revision as of 22:19, 27 September 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs) (CSV import)

Tengoku FR2
Tengoku FR2
Type Fusion Rifle
Level  ??
Item Level  ??
Rarity Common
Damage Type Void
Attack  ??
Impact 7
Charge Rate 62
Range 21
Stability 17
Reload 26
Magazine 49
Zoom 15
Recoil 42
Equip Speed 19
Aim Assist 48
Acquired by  ??
Cost  ?
Description Fusion Rifles are directed-energy weapons with a short charge cycle. The FR2 is a multirole design built to kill swarms of light targets.
Tengoku FR2 is a level ?? Common Fusion Rifle. Tengoku FR2 can be obatined by ???.

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Tips and Tricks


Template:Common Weapons
Last modified on 27 September 2014, at 22:19