Vault of Glass

Revision as of 02:58, 20 September 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)

Vault of Glass
Type Raid
Location Ishtar Sink, Venus
Players 6
Tier 1 Level 26
Tier 2 Level 30
Description Beneath Venus, evil stirs.
Vault of Glass is a Raid found in Ishtar Sink, Venus. The activity requires a group of 6 players. Vault of Glass will was released on September 15, 2014.

Vault of Glass is the first Raid for Destiny. The player needs to be close to level 24 to even access it. Players are recommended to be level 26 or higher The raid requires the 6-man fireteam to be but also skilled and geared but also coordinated. They will be no automatic match making for Vault of Glass.

Vault of Glass has multiple bosses. Players can only defeat each boss once per week. The raid resets on Tuesday?

Tips, Tricks and Preparation

  • The leader of your fireteam saves the progress for the raid.
  • Level 25 and under are not recommended. These players will have trouble staying alive and doing damage.


Opening the Gate - Rising Spires

This is a minor wave phase which is essential in opening the raid up for your fire team. In order to do this you will need to split your fire team into 3 groups of 2 in order to control all of the Sync Plates (One on the Left, One Next to the Door, and One on the Right). To successfully do this you need to keep the Praetorians from reaching the Plates and killing you in order to continue raising the spires in sync. After a few minutes of holding them in sync the spires should be activated and the gate will open allowing you access to the raid.


This fight is a 3 phase fight. It incorporates a massive platform on which you will be spending all your time. The encounter will not begin until you have jumped down onto this platform.


Major Mechanics: Construct (Needs to be defended from Vex trying to sacrifice themselves. There is a total of 3 during this encounter)

Cleansing Ring (Glowing Ring in the Center which cleanses you of Mark of Negation but keep in mind it's not always up and completely vanishes on the Boss Phase, which requires you to use the Relic)

Mark of Negation (Debuff which kills you unless you are cleansed by the Center Circle or Relic)

Ritual of Negation (Ability which the boss will kill you with if you are Marked for Negation)

Hobgoblins (You'll notice several floating platforms off on the sides of the main one you'll be on, Hoogoblins will spawn on these and snipe you repeatedly, a highly recommend you have someone taking them out. Keep in mind they do not spawn during the 3rd Phase)

Fanatics (Poison Goblins which run at you and will Mark you for Negation if you're hit and also leave a glowing green pool when they die which will mark you for negation if you walk through them though keep in mind that you can jump over them. Keep in mind that these do not spawn after the gauntlet has been completed)

Oracles (Glowing Golden Orbs which will cast a raid wipe Mark of Negation unless they're all killed)

Suppression Field (A spherical barrier that will spawn around a certain number of raid members around the time you break the Templars Shield, you need to shoot at it and destroy it to break free or you will die after a certain amount of time

Relic (The Relic works a lot like the Sword of Crota in the hive mission when used for killing enemies but has an important mechanic. It has a Super Ability which allows you to break the shield of the Templar. The Super Ability can be used again while the shield is down to deal massive damage. The Relic has also has a Cleanse ability which creates a bubble around the person holding the Relic and needs to be used in order to cleanse the raid of Oracles aren't killed on the Boss Phase)

Curse of the Aegis (This is a raid wiping ability that will go off after 6ish seconds if no one is holding the Relic after the encounter has been started. Someone always needs to be holding the Relic, so if the raid member holding the relic dies someone needs to pick it up immediately)

Teleport Ring (Ring which will appear after the Templar's Shield has been broken, it will appear in one of 5 positions. Standing in this ring will delay his teleport and force him to pick a new position)

Templar Enrage (The Boss will enrage around the estimated guess of the 10 minute mark, which begins spawning a Second Oracle on the Boss phase and Minotaurs will begin to spawn alongside the Harpies as well)

Phase 1: The Gauntlet

This Gauntlet requires you to protect Constructs from Vex that are trying to sacrifice themselves to it and it is split into 3 different waves.

1st Wave 1 Construct will active at the top of the staircase, which needs to be defended by your entire fire team . Remember to Kite Fanatics, avoid green pools and cleanse yourself in the cleansing ring if you're marked.

2nd Wave 2 Constructs will be active on the left and the right. You're going to want to split you're fire team into two groups of 3 in order to defend both constructs. Remember to Kite Fanatics, avoid green pools and cleanse yourself in the cleansing ring if you're marked.

3rd Wave All 3 Constructs will be active in all the previous positions of the first 2 waves. You're going to want to split your fire team into 3 groups of 2 to defend each Construct. Remember to Kite Fanatics, avoid green pools and cleanse yourself in the cleansing ring if you're marked. After a while the Constructs will despawn and you will start Phase 2.

Phase 2: Oracles

Oracles will begin to spawn on this phase. They only spawn in 7 different positions (3 on the left, 3 on the right, one at the top of the staircase) and can spawn up to a maximum of 4 at a time in succession. You will need to survive around 12 waves of oracles spawning from memory. If you miss an Oracle and it marks you all for Negation make sure you get to the cleansing ring BUT keep in mind the ring isn't always up and if you all get marked while the ring is down you will have no choice but to wipe. Once this phase is completed you should get loot and the 3rd Phase will begin.

Phase 3: Templar

Templar Once the Oracle dies you will see a relic floating in the Cleansing Ring, once it has been picked up the encounter will begin. Keep in mind that this Relic must be held at all times or Curse of the Aegis will wipe the raid. The Templar will spawn at the Top of the Staircase while Harpies continuously spawn on both sides. One Oracle will always be spawning in one of the 7 position so make sure you have your group spread evenly across the platform. Once the Relic has it's Super Ability ready unleash the projectile at the Shield which will make the Templar vulnerable to damage. It is best to use it after you've killed the Oracle (but do not wait, the longer you take the longer you will have to deal with him in his Enrage but aim to use the Super around the time the Oracle dies). After his shield goes down you will most likely be stuck in the Suppression field (there is an individual field per player) which you need to shoot and break out of in order to start dps on the boss. Keep in mind shooting his eye will deal the most damage like the Nexus boss. He will soon teleport to one of 5 positions (2 on the Left, 2 on the Right, and His starting location) which will require you to stand in the position of the Teleport Ring, which will cease his teleport, stop him from regenerating his Shield and allow you to continue damage on the boss for an extended period for however many times you manage to stand in the Ring. Keep in mind that you can super the boss again while his shield is down to deal MASSIVE damage to the boss. If you miss an Oracle you all need to run to whoever is holding the relic and he needs to dispel you all holding the L1 button. After a certain amount of time he will Enrage, which will increase the number of Oracles that spawn and also Spawning Minotaurs. You don't want to spend a long time stuck in the Enrage phase as it gets ridiculously insane to handle. When the Templar dies you will get loot and be able to continue.

Gorgon's Labyrinth

Gorgon is the Harpy boss.


Gorgon's Gaze (If a Gorgon notices any fire team member it will begin casting Gorgon's Gaze and it will wipe the raid, there is no way to stop this)

Stealth (This Labyrinth requires you to sneak around the Gorgon's and successfully reach the exit without being caught)

Escaping the Labyrinth

After you beat the Templar you'll reach a large drop, you have to jump down and survive the fall. Once you do you'll be in Gorgon's Labyrinth with is filled with Harpies called Gorgon's. You cannot be seen by a Gorgon or it'll begin casting Gorgon's Gaze. In order to escape this Labyrinth you will want a Hunter with Invisibility to scout ahead and find the 4 Pillars which can be seen from being up on one of the large rock walls. You will want to direct your entire fire team up on this rock until you're all in view of the Pillars. Once you can see them you will see a Gorgon patrolling through the pillars and he will come down the path and go off to the right. You will want to follow this Gorgon to the right and stick to the right where you will find a tunnel, this tunnel will lead you out of the Labyrinth. When you're moving through the labyrinth don't make any noise, just walk, don't shoot the Gorgon's, don't throw grenades, just walk and follow whoever is leading you through. Pay attention to your radar also as it gives you a general idea of the Gorgon's Positions.

Disappearing Platforms

This part is pretty self explanatory. This part is a jumping puzzle so if you've played your fair share of Guild Wars 2 you'll be fine. You need to jump over the platforms in time before they disappear. Though if you time it right you can skip a bunch and jump down to one of the lower ones just as it spawns. Once you've reach the cliffside you need to make your way to the left until you reach a giant hallway. Make your way to the end of the hallway and you'll reach the area which you'll be fighting the final boss, Atheon.

Atheon, Time's Conflux

This fight is a 2 phase fight which incorporates 2 Sync Plates similar to those you used to open the gate into the raid. There are also 2 portals which open when you control these Plates. This encounter will not begin until you start shooting the 1st Gatekeeper, but keep in mind once you beat Phase 1 the 2nd Phase will automatically start and continue to do so if you wipe so if you need to take a break you will have to return to orbit.


Gatekeepers (You start the encounter by fighting the first gatekeeper, which you have to kill in order to have access to the sync plates. Once you've killed the first gatekeeper you need to open up the Time Gates to kill the Past and Future Gatekeepers)

Sync Plates (These Sync Plates work exactly the same as the ones in the beginning, you need to use these in order to open up the Time Gates while defending them from Vex)

Time Gate/Portals (There are Two Time Gates, the Left Portal being the Past and the Right Portal being the Future. These will be essential throughout the whole encounter alongside the Sync Plates)

Oracles (If you lose control of a Sync Plate, a Red Oracle will Spawn above the portal of whichever side you lost. THIS NEEDS TO DIE or it will wipe your raid. They will also spawn in large numbers in the Past or Present during the 2nd Phase and they all need to die)

Relics (A Relic will drop at the back of the Past or Future Once a Gatekeeper is killed which needs to be brought to the present. This will also be used during the 2nd Phase when you're teleported into the past or present by Atheon. Keep in mind it involves all the same mechanics as the Relic on the Templar fight)

Marked by the Void (A debuff is acquired while being in the past or future after killing the gatekeepers which eventually covers your screen in black essentially blinding you. This can be cleansed by the Relic much like Marked for Negation)

Supplicants (Kamikaze Style Harpies which will fly towards you and explode kill you, killing these is a priority)

Time's Vengeance (A Buff which will increase your damage dealt to Atheon, and your super/grenade will constantly recharge after all the Oracles have been killed in either the Past or Future)

Opening Timestreams (Atheon will open time streams throughout the 2nd phase which will send 3 random members into either the Past or the Present which requires one person to use the relic while the other 2 kill Oracles as soon as possible in order to activate Time's Vengeance)

Construct (After both Gatekeepers are killed and their relics are brought into the present time you will have to defend this construct from Vex trying to sacrifice themselves. You will only need to do this for around a minute or two before the Construct disappears and you begin the 2nd Phase)

Atheon's Enrage (After a certain amount of time Atheon will enrage, causing more oracles to spawn in the past/future while Supplicants grow in numbers in the present)

Phase 1: Gatekeepers

The encounter begins one you start attacking the Vex. Firstly you have to kill the gatekeeper which is preventing you you using the two Sync Plates and going through the portals. Once the Gatekeeper goes down you'll be able to control the Sync Plates, but endless wave of goblins and Praetorians will begin to spawn to try and take control of the Sync Plates on both sides. If you kill the Praetorians fast enough there should only be one on a side at any time. If they manage to take control of the Sync Plate a Red Oracle will spawn above the portal of the side which has been taken. THIS ORACLE IS PRIORITY! IF I DOES NOT DIE IN A SET AMOUNT OF TIME IT WILL WIPE THE RAID. The important part of this fight is opening up the portals and sending one Confident team member to weaken the health of the the Gatekeepers inside the Portals. Get them to weaken the one on the left side (Past) while kiting adds and then have them go to the right side (Future) and weaken the gatekeeper there while doing the same thing. A Defender Titan would be the preferred choice to be the one Weakening the Gatekeepers thanks to the Bubble Shield which makes it much easier to survive the adds shooting at you (this is from my personal experience soloing the Gatekeepers). Once both are weakened have a 2nd fire team member (A Sunsinger Warlock with Fireborn is helpful incase they die in there) go into the Past side and get into position to kill the Gatekeeper. Once both players are in position try to kill the Gatekeeper in sync and then get the Relic from both sides and quickly bring them to the Present. KEEP IN MIND THAT THE GATEKEEPER WILL EXPLODE AFTER DEATH SO DON'T RUN DIRECTLY FOR THE RELIC, KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Also note that once a gatekeeper dies anyone in the past or future will acquire a debuff called Marked by the Void which will slowly blind the player over time. This can be cleansed by the Relic you pick up but there is a cooldown before you can use the cleanse. Make sure your teammates keep the portals open for you to escape and then cleanse yourself just after getting out of the past or future. After you've brought both relics to the present you no longer need to worry about defending the Sync Plates. Everyone Rush to the center and defend the construct from adds that will spawn out of the portals and try to sacrifice themselves (They will be shielded minotaurs). After you hold the construct for about a minute or two it will despawn and you will be starting phase 2.

Phase 2: Atheon

The Boss will Spawn right under the Giant Glass Triangle and his weak spot is in the center of his chest. As soon as he spawns deal as much damage as possible (thought you won't be able to deal much) until he Opens Timestreams. After he opens the time streams 3 furtherest Fireteam members will be teleported into either the Past or Present. One of the 3 will need to pick up the Relic in order to Cleanse allies from Marked By The Void. The other 2 need to kill all the Oracles that spawn (This can be easily done by a Gunslinger's Golden Gun as it one hits Oracles) in order to acquire the buff Time's Vengeance which will be used to deal big damage to the boss. This Buff will last 30 seconds and it also is the amount of time your teammates have left to open the portals to let you escape from the past or future. Those left in the Present need to jump onto the central floating platform or stand on top of the blocks that are in the sync plates and kill Supplicants ASAP. Once your teammates in the Past or Future have nearly killed all the Oracles you're going to need to take control of the Sync Plate on either the left or right depending on where they were sent. (You are able to take control of a Sync Plate and leave it as the Supplicants will not recapture it) After they're all successfully through the portal there needs to be big DPS on the boss while you still have Time's Vengeance. (Having a Defender Titan with Weapons Of Light for their Super will increase your damage output) You need to continue repeating this process until the boss is dead (When he Opens Timestreams the Portals will reset and you have to control the Sync Gates once more in order to open the Portals). After a while he will enrage which will begin spawning more adds. You'll have to continue fighting the boss and the ridiculous amounts of Supplicants while trying to open portals so you'll want to aim to be in the enrage phase for the least amount of time as possible. After you kill this boss you will have finished the Vault of Glass and get to claim your reward!


Vault of Glass rewards the player with unique weapons, unique armor and other items.

Other Items

XV0 Timebreaker - Legendary Sparrow

Glass Minuet - Legendary Jumpship

Aspect of Glass - Legendary Jumpship (Vault of Glass Hard Mode only)

Shattered Vault Cloak - Legendary Hunter Cloak

Fragment of the Prime - Legendary Warlock Bond

Light of the Great Prism - Legendary Titan Mark

Chatterwhite - Legendary Shader

Ascendant Shard - Material for upgrading Armor

Ascendant Energy - Material for upgrading Weapons


 RarityTypeAttackDamage TypeSightsPerk 1Perk 2Perk 3Optional Perks
Atheon's Epilogue (Year 1)LegendaryAuto Rifles248-300VoidRed Dot-ORS
TrueSight IS
Ranged Lens RLS3
PersistenceGlass Half FullOracle DisruptorFlared Magwell
Field Scout
Perfect Balance
Corrective Measure (Year 1)LegendaryMachine Guns248-300VoidSoft Ballistics
Accurized Ballistics
Field Choke
PersistenceSurplusOracle DisruptorArmor Piercing Rounds
Perfect Balance
Field Scout
Fatebringer (Year 1)LegendaryHand Cannons248-300ArcSteadyHand IS
SureShot IS
FireflyOutlawOracle DisruptorField Scout
Single Point Sling
Explosive Rounds
Found Verdict (Year 1)LegendaryShotguns248-300ArcAggressive Ballistics
Accurized Ballistics
Field Choke
Full AutoFinal RoundOracle DisruptorFitted Stock
Single Point Sling
Send It
Hezen Vengeance (Year 1)LegendaryRocket Launchers248-300SolarHard Launch
Confined Launch
Smart Drift Control
TripodMIRV MiniOracle DisruptorHeavy Payload
Flared Magwell
Praedyth's Revenge (Year 1)LegendarySniper Rifles248-300VoidTacSys SLS15
Ambush SLH25
LongView SLR10
FireflyFeeding FrenzyOracle DisruptorFlared Magwell
Quick Draw
Field Scout
Praedyth's Timepiece (Year 1)LegendaryPulse Rifles248-300ArcRed Dot-OES
Red Dot-OAS
Focus Lens FLA5
HeadseekerSecret RoundOracle DisruptorFlared Magwell
Field Scout
Perfect Balance
Praetorian Foil (Year 1)LegendaryFusion Rifles248-300SolarSteadyHand IS
Truesight IS
Red Dot-ORES
Glass Half FullReactive ReloadOracle DisruptorJavelin
Accelerated Coils
Send It
Vex Mythoclast (Year 1)ExoticFusion Rifles302-365SolarAggressive Ballistics
Linear Compensator
Smart Drift Control
Timeless MythoclastZen MomentCrowd ControlEnhanced Battery
Send It
Vision of Confluence (Year 1)LegendaryScout Rifles248-300SolarRed Dot-OES
SureShot IS
Ranged Lens RLS3
Full AutoZen MomentOracle DisruptorSingle Point Sling
Perfect Balance
Field Scout


  • Currently only 1 of 2 sets of Armor for each class is available.

Titan Armor

 TypeDefenseLightDisciplineIntellectStrengthPerk 1Perk 2Perk 3
Battlecage of Kabr (Year 1)Helmets280-37218??????Rain BlowsInverse ShadowVex Striker
Vex Breaker
Faceguard of KabrHelmets280-37218??????Rain BlowsInverse ShadowVex Striker
Vex Breaker
Kabr's Brazen Grips (Year 1)Gauntlets229-30418??????Special Weapon LoaderImpact InductionAnti Oracle
Anti Praetorian
Kabr's Defending GraspGauntlets229-30418??????Special Weapon LoaderImpact InductionAnti Oracle
Anti Praetorian
Kabr's Forceful Greaves (Year 1)Leg Armor204-2701801140Heavy Weapon Ammo
Kabr's Lifegiving TreadsLeg Armor204-27018??????Heavy Weapon Ammo
Kabr's MightChest Armor306-40618??????Auto Rifle Ammo
Pulse Rifle Ammo
Scout Rifle Ammo
Hand Cannon Ammo
Special Weapon Ammo
Kabr's Wrath (Year 1)Chest Armor306-40618??????Auto Rifle Ammo or Pulse Rifle Ammo or Scout Rifle Ammo or Hand Cannon AmmoSpecial Weapon Ammo

Hunter Armor

 TypeDefenseLightDisciplineIntellectStrengthPerk 1Perk 2Perk 3
Mantic Zealot CuirassChest Armor306-40618??????Auto Rifle Ammo or Pulse Rifle Ammo or Scout Rifle Ammo or Hand Cannon AmmoSpecial Weapon Ammo
Mantic Zealot GlovesGauntlets229-30418??????Special Weapon LoaderFastballAnti Oracle
Anti Praetorian
Mantic Zealot GreavesLeg Armor204-27018??????Heavy Weapon Ammo
Mantic Zealot HelmHelmets280-37218??????Light the BladeInverse ShadowVex Striker
Vex Breaker
Prime Zealot Cuirass (Year 1)Chest Armor306-40618??????Auto Rifle Ammo or Pulse Rifle Ammo or Scout Rifle Ammo or Hand Cannon AmmoSpecial Weapon Ammo
Prime Zealot Gloves (Year 1)Gauntlets229-30418??????Special Weapon LoaderFastballAnti Oracle
Anti Praetorian
Prime Zealot Greaves (Year 1)Leg Armor204-27018??????Heavy Weapon Ammo
Prime Zealot Helm (Year 1)Helmets280-37218??????Light the BladeInverse ShadowVex Striker
Vex Breaker

Warlock Armor

 TypeDefenseLightDisciplineIntellectStrengthPerk 1Perk 2Perk 3
Boots of the Hezen LordsLeg Armor204-27018??????Heavy Weapon Ammo
Cowl of the Hezen LordsHelmets280-37218??????Energy ProjectionInverse ShadowVex Striker
Vex Breaker
Cuirass of the Hezen Lords (Year 1)Chest Armor306-40618??????Auto Rifle Ammo or Pulse Rifle Ammo or Scout Rifle Ammo or Hand Cannon AmmoSpecial Weapon Ammo
Facade of the Hezen Lords (Year 1)Helmets280-37218??????Energy ProjectionInverse ShadowVex Striker
Vex Breaker
Gloves of the Hezen Lords (Year 1)Gauntlets229-30418??????Special Weapon LoaderSerpent's TailAnti Oracle
Anti Praetorian
Grips of the Hezen LordsGauntlets229-30418??????Special Weapon LoaderSerpent's TailAnti Oracle
Anti Praetorian
Robe of the Hezen LordsChest Armor306-40618??????Auto Rifle Ammo or Pulse Rifle Ammo or Scout Rifle Ammo or Hand Cannon AmmoSpecial Weapon Ammo
Tread of the Hezen Lords (Year 1)Leg Armor204-27018??????Heavy Weapon Ammo
King's Fall
Vault of GlassCrota's EndPrison of Elders*
Last modified on 20 September 2014, at 02:58