Line Rifle (Grimoire Card)

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Line Rifle (Grimoire Card)
Category Enemies
Subcategory Vex Arsenal
Acquired by  ???
Grimoire Score 10
Description The Vex Line Rifle fires high-velocity Solar particle jets. Deployed on the Hobgoblin chassis, the Line Rifle serves as a sniper weapon, pinning down targets or delivering the killing blow.

Like the Slap Rifle, the Line Rifle is a terminal weapon, although its source is much more energetic. Some believe the weapon pulls material from the accretion disk of a galactic singularity. This would imply the Vex are near - or have already achieved - access to a terrifying range of civilization-killing weapons. Others consider this unlikely, and propose that the Line Rifle simply draws from a central Vex power supply.

Line Rifle is a Grimoire Card in the Enemies category and Vex Arsenal subcategory. It can be obtained by ???

How to Rank Up

In-game Bonus

Last modified 10 years ago

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