Acolyte (Grimoire Card)

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Acolyte (Grimoire Card)
Acolyte (Grimoire Card)
Category Enemies
Subcategory The Hive
Acquired by Killing Acolyte enemies
Rank 1 Requirement 500 Kills
Rank 2 Requirement 1250 Kills
Rank 3 Requirement 2500 Kills
Grimoire Score 20
Grimoire Score per Rank 5
Stats Tracked Kills, Deaths, K/D Ratio, Precision Kills
In-game Bonus All Characters earn more Glimmer when Acolyte enemies are killed with a Black Wax Idol consumable active.
Quote "Belief is a powerful weapon. But, so is an Arc Rifle."
Description It would be a mistake to view the Hive's Acolytes as foot soldiers, because the Hive is not an army, it is a dark force rising. It is belief and horror, and its Acolytes are the instruments of that horror, hungry to commit the atrocities that will drive their own ascension.

Acolyte is a Grimoire Card in the Enemies category and The Hive subcategory. It can be obtained by killing Hive Acolytes.

How to Rank Up

In-game Bonus

Last modified 10 years ago

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