| Subcategory | Grimoire Score | Acquired by | Stats Tracked | A Dark Within (Grimoire Card) | Story: Earth, Russia | 5 | Completing the Story Mission A Dark Within | Completions, Kills, Deaths, Time Spent |
A Guardian Rises (Grimoire Card) | Story: Earth, Old Russia | 5 | Completing the Story Mission A Guardian Rises | |
A Kell Rising (Grimoire Card) | House of Wolves | 5 | Participating in A Kell Rising | Completions, Kills, Deaths, Time Spent |
A Rising Tide (Grimoire Card) | Story: Mars, Meridian Bay | 10 | Completing the Story Mission A Rising Tide | Completions, Kills, Deaths, Time Spent |
A Stranger's Call (Grimoire Card) | Story: Venus, Ishtar Sink | 5 | Completing the Story Mission A Stranger's Call | Completions, Kills, Deaths, Time Spent |
Archon's Forge (Grimoire Card) | Rise of Iron | 5 | ?? | |
Arenas Introduction (Grimoire Card) | House of Wolves | 5 | Participating in Arenas | |
Ascendant Sword (Grimoire Card) | Raids | 5 | Picking up Blade's Sword? | Kills |
Asylum (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | Playing in Asylum Crucible Map | Kills, Completions, Time Spent |
Bannerfall (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Bastion (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | Playing in Bastion Crucible Map | Kills, Completions, Time Spent |
Beauty in Destruction (Grimoire Card) | Rise of Iron | 5 | ?? | |
Black Shield (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | Playing in Black Shield Crucible Map | Kills, Completions, Time Spent |
Blighted Chalice (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | 5 | ?? | |
Blind Watch (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | Playing in Blind Watch Crucible Map | Kills, Completions, Time Spent |
Cathedral of Dusk (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Cayde's Stash (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | 5 | ?? | |
Cerberus Vae III (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | 5 | Completing the Cerberus Vae III Strike | Completions, Kills, Deaths, VIP Kills |
Challenge of the Elders (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | 10 | ?? | |
Chamber of Night (Grimoire Card) | Story: Moon, Ocean of Storms | 5 | Completing the Story Mission Chamber of Night | Completions, Kills, Deaths, Time Spent |
Clash (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | 20 | Participate in Clash | Match Wins, Kills, Deaths |
Combined Arms (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | 20 | Participate in Combined Arms | Match Wins, Kills, Deaths |
Control (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | 20 | Participate in Control | Match Wins, Kills, Deaths |
Court of Oryx (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | 5 | ?? | |
Crests (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Crossroads (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Crota's End (Grimoire Card) | Raids | 5 | Completing Crota's End | Completions, Kills, Deaths, VIP Kills |
Crucible Introduction (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | 0 | Unlocking Crucible at level 5 of your first character. | Match Wins, Kills, Deaths |
Devils' Lair (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | | Completing the Strike Devil's Lair | Completions, Kills, Deaths, VIP Kills |
Disciples of Crota (Grimoire Card) | The Dark Below | 5 | Unlock Will of Crota quest | |
Doubles (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | 20 | Participate in Clash | Match Wins, Kills, Deaths |
Download Complete (Grimoire Card) | Rise of Iron | | ?? | |
Dread Patrol (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | 5 | ?? | |
Dust Palace (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | 5 | Completing the Dust Palace Strike | Completions, Kills, Deaths, VIP Kills |
Echo Chamber (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | 5 | ?? | |
Elimination (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | 5 | Participate in Elimination | Match Wins, Kills, Deaths |
Enemy of My Enemy (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | 5 | ?? | |
Exclusion Zone (Grimoire Card) | Story: Mars, Meridian Bay | 5 | Completing the Story Mission Exclusion Zone | Completions, Kills, Deaths, Time Spent |
Exodus Blue (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | Playing in Exodus Blue Crucible Map | Kills, Completions, Time Spent |
Eye of a Gate Lord (Grimoire Card) | Story: Venus, Ishtar Sink | 5 | Completing the Story Mission Eye of a Gate Lord | Completions, Kills, Deaths, Time Spent |
Fallen S.A.B.E.R. (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | 5 | ?? | |
Firebase Delphi (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | Playing in Firebase Delphi Crucible Map | Kills, Completions, Time Spent |
First Light (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | Playing in First Light Crucible Map | Kills, Completions, Time Spent |
Floating Gardens - Pomona Mons, Venus (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Frontier (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Ghost Fragment: Asylum (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Ghost Fragment: Bannerfall (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Ghost Fragment: Bastion (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Ghost Fragment: Black Shield (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |
Ghost Fragment: Blind Watch (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | 5 | ?? | |