Earth Public Events

Revision as of 19:45, 14 September 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)


The Steppes

Event: Defeat Extraction Crews

Start Times: ~~X:15-X:25 & X:45-X:55~~ (?) X:55-X:05 & X:25-X:35


Event: Defend the Warsat or kill boss

Start Times: X:00 & X:30

The Divide

Event: Defeat Devil Walker

Start Times: X:10-X:15 & X:40-X:45


Event: Kill Hallowed Knight

Start Times: X:30

Forgotten Shore

Event: Kill Fallen Captain

Start Times: ?


Event: Defend Warsat OR Fallen & Hive war

Start Times: X:00-X:05 & X:30-X:35

Last modified on 14 September 2014, at 19:45