
Revision as of 21:55, 11 September 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)

Vehicles are not only tools to get to places faster, but also engines of war. Sparrow is your personal transport vehicle.


Main article: Sparrows

Sparrows are fast and maneuverable personal transport vehicle. Players have their own Sparrows that they can upgrade to improve stats.


Main article: Pikes

Pikes are fast combat vehicles armed with 2 rapid firing arc cannons.


Main article: Interceptors

Interceptors are large but slow combat vehicles armed with 2 rocket launchers.

WeaponsArmorClass ArmorGhost ShellsArtifactsVehiclesShipsShadersEmblems
MaterialsConsumablesMission ItemsBountiesCurrenciesMystery BagsOrnaments
Last modified on 11 September 2014, at 21:55