Ghost Shells

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Ghost Shells is a type of item that can be equipped to change the look of your Ghost.

General Information

See also: Dead Ghosts

In Year 1, They are purely cosmetic, they don't have any effects or grant any boosts to stats. In Year 2, after the release of The Taken King, new Ghost Shells will have unique effects and give bonuses to stats.

Players can summon their Ghosts by pressing Touchpad on PS4 and Select on PS3 and Back Button on Xbox 360 and One.

Year 2 Ghost Shells

 LevelRarityIntellectDisciplineStrengthAcquired by
Winter Sky Shell18Rare101010Purchased from The Speaker
Obtained from Quests
Mare Cognitum Shell18Uncommon333Purchased from The Speaker, Obtained from Quests
Bold Red Shell18Rare101010Purchased from The Speaker
Turquoise Shell18Rare101010Purchased from The Speaker
Obtained from Quests
Verdant Shell18Rare101010Purchased from The Speaker
Obtained from Quests
Standard Shell18?UncommonEnd of game reward after completing a story mission
Meridian Shell18?Uncommon???
Metropolitan Shell18?Uncommon???
Weathered Shell18?UncommonEnd of game reward after completing a story mission
Redux Shell18?UncommonEnd of game reward after completing a story mission
Ishtar Shell18?Uncommon???
Skywatch Shell18?Uncommon???
Brave Shell20Legendary7 - 117 - 117 - 11No longer available
Joyride Shell30Rare121212Quests
Purple Spine Shell35Rare101010Quests
Consumed Shell40Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35Possible post-game reward from Challenge of the Elders
Sunlit Shell40Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35No longer available
Vanguard Shell (Year 2)40Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35No longer available
Competitive Shell40Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35No longer available
Pale Dawn Shell40Rare1916Crucible Playlist
Iron Shell40Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35No longer available
Dread Explorer Shell40Legendary13 - 2213 - 2213 - 22Completion of quest: The Legion's Beachhead
Kingslayer Shell (Year 2)40Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35Dropped in King's Fall
Sugary Shell5Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35Possible post-match Crucible reward
Crimson Shell5Legendary18 - 3518 - 3518 - 35Possible post-match Crucible reward
Amethyst Shell??RareCrucible Playlist
Blue Spine Shell??RareCrucible Playlist

Year 1 Ghost Shells

 RarityAcquired byDescription
Consensus ShellLegendary??Ghosts who give testimony before the City's great Consensus often remake their shells in this traditional form.
Foundry ShellLegendary????City's artisans welcome the deep memories and painstaking finesse of the Ghosts.
Frontier ShellLegendaryObtained from Special Orders for purchasing the Collector's Edition of DestinyTough, rugged, and defiantly colored - ready to brave the high frontier. Ghosts can self-modify at will.
Generalist ShellCommonDefault Ghost Shell players start with.Born from the Traveler, built of machinery and Light, the Ghost is your companion and faithful guide.
Intrusion ShellLegendaryUnknownRigged for eavesdropping, surveillance, and intrusion into unfriendly networks. Ghosts can self-modify at will.
Shipwright ShellLegendary??Sometimes the best way to troubleshoot a faulty NLS drive is to dive in and get your shell dirty.
Special DeliveryLegendary??Guardian, This Ghost shell is an unusual sort, and so was the Exo who left it. I believe she meant it for you. -Tess Everis

WeaponsArmorClass ArmorGhost ShellsArtifactsVehiclesShipsShadersEmblems
MaterialsConsumablesMission ItemsBountiesCurrenciesMystery BagsOrnaments