Best Materials Farming Guide
This guide allows the players to farm 300+ materials such as Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Bloom and Relic Iron per hour. It will use the Spawn-Trap method to farm the materials
What is Spawn Trap
On your way to farm the material, you might see that the material and chest doesn't disappear right after you gather/open them, they actually disappear after quite a while. This is the backbone of this farming method. We won't allow them to respawn. They will stay in one place so that we don't have to FIND them. Just go to one place, gather, move away and gather again. This is called spawn-trap. This apply to both materials and Chests, but note that chest have much faster respawn time and they don't usually spawn in the convenience places, so trapping a chest is usually harder.
How to Trap Materials and Chests?
Materials and chests don't disappear the moment you gather/open them but they cannot be collected anymore. In order to trap them, you have to be fast enough to get to another area and return to the current area while they are still waiting to despawn. For example, you move from the Rocketyard to the Divide and then return to the RocketYard. After that, your previously harvested materials and chests will become harvestable again. Harvest the chest or materials then repeat the process til you have enough materials.