Cryptarch (Grimoire Card)

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Cryptarch (Grimoire Card)
Category Allies
Subcategory Tower Allies
Acquired by meeting Cryptarch
Grimoire Score 0
Quote Master Rahool
Description Master Rahool's insatiable curiosity drove him to the Tower, where, as resident crypto-archaeologist, he can work directly with Guardians returning from the frontier. He decrypts matter engrams as a free service, and when he builds trust with a particular Guardian, he is happy to offer rare engrams for sale - although the scarcity of these artifacts forces him to ask for Glimmer in compensation.

Rahool's true love is history. He treats each new find as a chance to understand the glory of the Golden Age or the terrible truth of the Collapse. Listen carefully to his murmurings: he may be the first to understand.

Cryptarch is a Grimoire Card in the Allies category and Tower Allies subcategory. It can be obtained by meeting Cryptarch in The Tower.

How to Rank Up

In-game Bonus
