Age of Triumph Record Book
Age of Triumph Record Book | |
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Attributes | |
Type | Book |
Rarity | Exotic |
Function | Tracks all of player's account-wide activities in Age of Triumph event, Rewards are given at set intervals |
Description | This book is the companion to Age of Triumph. Complete records to increase your rank and unlock rewards. |
How to Obtain | |
Acquired by | Age of Triumph |
Players can acquire the Record Book from ????? in The Tower.
Page 1: Rewards
- Rank 2 - Traveler's Eclipse Emblem
- Rank 3 - City Watch Emblem
- Rank 4 - Comet's Heart Emblem
- Rank 5 - Logical Conclusion Emblem
- Rank 6 - All in All Emblem
- Rank 7 - Wear Your Triumph Invitation (T-Shirt Image)
- You've unlocked a personalized offer from the Bungie Store. Visit to learn more.
Page 2: Commemoration
You've walked a long road full of deeds and adventures.
Task | Objective | Reward |
From the Beginning | Completed an activity between Destiny release and The Dark Below release. | Ab Principio Emblem |
Second Year of Triumph | Completed an activity during the Year 2 Moments of Triumph. | Insignia of Triumphs Emblem |
Wolf Breaker | Completed an activity between the House of Wolves release and The Taken King release. | Lupi Reginae Emblem |
Doom of Oryx | Completed an activity between The Taken King release and the Rise of Iron release. | Clades Orygis Emblem |
Lunar Veteran | Assumed to be completing an activity between The Dark Below release and the House of Wolves release. | |
Year One Triumph | Assumed to be completing an activity during the Year 1 Moments of Triumph. | |
Rising Light (Task) | Assumed to be completing an activity between the April Update and the Rise of Iron release. | |
Reign of Iron | Assumed to be completing an activity between Rise of Iron release and Destiny 2 release. |
This page is dedicated to recognizing the times you've played the game. You should be able to have this page filled out if you've played through the releases of the game. If you didn't play in these timeframes you're locked out unfortunately and can never achieve 100% on this book.
Page 3: Story
Write your legend upon the stars.
Note: Age of Triumph 'Commemoration' and Story pages will be auto fill in.
Task | Objective | Reward |
The Black Garden (Task) | Complete The Black Garden mission from Destiny. | |
Queen's Ransom (Task) | Complete the Queen's Ransom from House of Wolves. | |
The Taken War (Task) | Complete The Summoner's Circle mission from The Taken King. | |
An Iron Lord Rises | Complete The Iron Tomb mission from Rise of Iron. | |
The Wakening (Task) | Complete The Wakening mission from The Dark Below. | |
Regicide (Task) | Complete the Regicide mission from The Taken King. | |
At the Gates (Task) | Complete the quests At the Gates and Return to the Prison from The Taken King. | |
Storied Past | Complete all 7 Story milestones in the Age of Triumph Record Book. | The Tale Told Emblem |
This page is dedicated to all the story missions in the game. You'll need to beat pretty much all of them to reach the final mission required for each milestone. If you've been playing the game throughout it's releases you've likely done all of these on at least one character but if you haven't be sure to hit up all those quest markers. You should be able to have this entire page filled out when Age of Triumph releases.
Page 4: Titan's Will
The Titan is a force multiplier, a bulwark against the Darkness.
Task | Objective | Reward |
Hold the Line (Task) | Reach Level 40 as a Titan. | |
Super Star | Defeat enemies with your Super abilities as a Titan. (100) | |
Victory or Death | Complete the Crucible Titan quests Striking Fist, Armored Void, and Flameforged. | |
Get Personal | Defeat enemies with Melee abilities as a Titan. (250) | |
No Surrender | Assumed to be Crucible kills as a Titan. | |
Portable Destruction | Assumed to be defeating enemies with your Grenades as a Titan. | |
Light Show (Task) | Assumed to be generating Orbs of Light as a Titan. | |
Be the Wall | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Titan's Will page of the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
Most of these milestones won't be retroactive, you'll have to get your kill totals after the fact but it shouldn't be hard to accomplish. Make sure you have a Titan at Level 40 and knock out the Crucible quests so you're ahead of the game.
Page 5: Hunter's Way
By knife, by smoke, by blink strike and stealth, a hunter stalks her prey.
Task | Objective | Reward |
Mountain's Summit | Reach Level 40 as a Hunter. | |
Cutting Edge | Defeat enemies with Melee abilities as a Hunter. (250) | |
Insuperable | Defeat enemies with your Super abilities as a Hunter. (100) | |
Self-Sufficient | Complete the Crucible Hunter quests Just a Handful of Bullets, Sheathed Lightning, and Draw from the Void. | |
Hunter and Hunted | Assumed to be Crucible kills as a Hunter. | |
Whizz Bang | Assumed to be defeating enemies with Grenades as a Hunter. | |
Eliminate, Illuminate | Assumed to be generating Orbs of Light as a Hunter. | |
Who Walks Alone | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Hunter's Way page in the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
Most of these milestones won't be retroactive, you'll have to get your kill totals after the fact but it shouldn't be hard to accomplish. Make sure you have a Hunter at Level 40 and knock out the Crucible quests so you're ahead of the game.
Page 6: Warlock's Path
There is no end to knowledge, nor to power, but you'll do your best to reach it regardless.
Task | Objective | Reward |
Secrets Learned | Reach Level 40 as a Warlock. | |
Up Close | Defeat enemies with Melee abilities as a Warlock. (250) | |
Shock and Awe | Defeat enemies with your Super abilities as a Warlock. (100) | |
A Hard Lesson | Complete the Crucible Warlock quests Voidmaster, A Song For the Sun, and Fulminator. | |
Show Your Might | Assumed to be Crucible kills as a Warlock. | |
Tactical Explosive | Assumed to be defeating enemies with Grenades as a Warlock. | |
A Burst of Light | Assumed to be generating Orbs of Light as a Warlock. | |
Mysterious Path | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Warlock's Path page in the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
Most of these milestones won't be retroactive, you'll have to get your kill totals after the fact but it shouldn't be hard to accomplish. Make sure you have a Warlock at Level 40 and knock out the Crucible quests so you're ahead of the game.
Page 7: Strikes
Execute Vanguard Strikes to secure your legend.
Task | Objective | Reward |
You're the Hero | Complete Strikes on Heroic difficulty. (20) | |
Race to the Finish | Complete a Nightfall Strike in less than 30 minutes. | |
On Target | Earn Precision Kills in Strikes. (500) | |
Back in the Fight | Revive allies during Nightfall Strikes. (10) | |
In the Dark | Unknown | |
Lead from the Front | Unknown | |
One-Guardian Army | Unknown | |
Team Effort | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Strikes page in the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
There's a good chance most of these won't be retroactive, you'll have to do 20 more Heroic Strikes and get kills/revives. The Nightfall timed challenge is pretty laughable and should be simple to complete. Quite a few of these are speculative, it's hard to tell what is needed from the other milestones at the moment.
Page 8: Crucible
Reprise your feats and enshrine your legend in the Crucible.
Note: Crucible pages have to be completed after the launch of the event.
Task | Objective | Reward |
Quality Controll | Capture control points in Control Crucible matches. (30) | |
Rumble Tumble | Earn points in Rumble Crucible matches. (10000) | |
Historian | Recover Dead Ghosts on Crucible Maps during Private Matches. (30) | |
Pride of Shaxx | Win matches in the Crucible. (30) | |
Clash Warfare | Assumed to be earning points/kills in Clash Crucible matches. | |
Master at Arms | Unknown | |
Ignite the Light | Assumed to be earning points or igniting the Rift in Rift Crucible matches. | |
Forged Ignot | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on The Crucible page in the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
All but one of these will be retroactive, you'll need to play some Crucible. Head into Private Matches and grab all of the Dead Ghosts. This will boost your total towards the "Quaint and Curious" milestone for 5,000 Grimoire and "Echoes of the Age" milestone for finding Dead Ghosts.
Page 9: Raids
When six Guardians take up arms and storm the Darkness, what can stand against them?
Task | Objective | Reward |
Glass Ceiling | Complete the 390 Light version of Vault of Glass. | |
Blind Labyrinth | Eliminate all Gorgons in the 390 Light version of Vault of Glass. | |
King of Kings | Complete the 390 Light version of King's Fall. | |
Crota, Endless | Assumed to be completing the 390 Light version of Crota's End. | |
Machina Maxima | Assumed to be completing the 390 Light version of Wrath of the Machine. | |
Silence Falls | Assumed to be related to Ir Yut or the Daughters of Oryx. This is a timed event. | |
Raid Insignia | Collect all Raid Challenge Emblems. Requires 9 Emblems Earned. | |
Light's Stronghold | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Raids page in the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
Can you get a jump start on any of these? Not really, you can make sure you have the current 5 Challenge Modes completed and have the emblems that come with them. It's going to be good to familiarize yourself with the classic raids again, some of the mechanics are set to change according to Bungie but most of the raid should be exactly the same. Learn the best strategy for each boss that isn't "cheesing" (I'm looking at you Crota's End - Bridge) and do it well with your clan or LFG. If you think you're going to walk into Vault of Glass at 400 and just slay without wiping you're either in a good clan or you're delusional, people are going to have problems so prepare yourself so that you don't have problems. I'm not linking anything here, there's hundreds of videos on how to tackle the raids.
Page 10: Collections
Gather the riches and wonder of the star system.
Task | Objective | Reward |
Life is Fleeting | Acquire Ships. (75) | |
Made in the Shade | Acquire Shaders. (100) | |
Outlandish Arms | Acquire Exotic Weapons. (55) | |
Quaint and Curious | Unlock Grimoire Cards. (5000) | |
Slings and Sparrows | Assumed to be acquiring Sparrows. (35) | |
Flying Colors | Assumed to be acquiring Emblems. (120) | |
Outlandish Dress | Assumed to be acquiring Exotic Armor. (49) | |
The Most Toys | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Collections page in the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
This page is all about the collectors and completing kiosks. You don't need everything to complete these milestones, but you'll need a vast majority of the items. It covers Shaders, Emblems, Sparrows, and Ships. Be sure to enter all the Redeemable Codes to get a few easy (and free) collectibles.
Page 11: Wanderer
You have gone far, seen much, and heard echoes of the past.
Task | Objective | Reward |
Echoes of the Ages | Recover Dead Ghosts. (130) | |
Spelunker | Disturb the Remains | |
Echoes of Darkness | Assumed to be recovering Calcified Fragments. (45-50) | |
Sleeping Echoes | Collect Dormant SIVA Clusters. (25) | |
Sneak Peak | Assumed to be related to climbing to the top of Felwinter Peak. | |
Public Defender (Task) | Achieve Gold Tier Ratings in Public Events. (20) | |
Concordat's Shadow | Assumed to be related to finding the Bannerfall Dead Ghost related to Lysander's Cry. | |
The World Explored | Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Wanderer page in the Age of Triumph Record Book. |
This page is about collecting things and doing certain things in the game. A lot of this will be retroactive so you can knock it out now.
Page 12: Allegiances
Fealty and favor, honor and respect -- all are yours to earn.
Task | Objective | Reward |
Jalaal's Favor | Reach Rank 25 with Dead Orbit. | Arach and Ruin Emblem |
Hideo's Favor | Reach Rank 25 with New Monarchy. | Blood of the Monarchy Emblem |
Vanguard Esteem | Reach Rank 25 with the Vanguard. | Vanguard Signet Emblem |
Efrideet's Regard | Reach Rank 5 with the Iron Banner. | |
Lakshimi's Favor | Assumed to be reaching Rank 25 with Future War Cult. | |
Shaxx's Esteem | Assumed to be reaching Rank 25 with The Crucible. | |
Cryptarch's Esteem | Assumed to be reaching Rank 25 with the Cryptarchs. | |
Beloved of All | Complete all Allegiance milestones in the Age of Triumph Record Book. | Trust and Honor Emblem |
This is honestly about playing a lot and dumping materials into the factions to rank up. There are a few ways to do this but the best ways are to use Strange Coins to buy Heavy Ammo from Xur, use Motes of Light, or buy Weapon/Armor Parts from the Gunsmith to donate. You can use Legendary Marks to buy planetary materials but it's just not efficient or worth your time, the marks are best spent on other things (like buying Sparrows if you're going for that milestone). should have you covered on reaching Rank 5 with Iron Banner efficiently.
Page 13: Trials of Osiris
The Lighthouse becons, but the Trials winnow.
Note: It is retroactive so if you went flawless before it will count. You only need 6/7 to unlock the final node.
Task | Objective | Reward |
To the Lighthouse | Complete a Flawless Victory Trials of Osiris Ticket. | |
Deconstruction | Earn a Wrecking Ball medal in Trials (1) | |
Special Adept | Defeat Guardians in Trials with Special Weapons. | |
Lifegiver | Revive fallen teammates in Trials (25) | |
Trials of Tribulations | Assumed to be related to Bounty completions. | |
Primary Adept | Assumed to be defeating Guardians in Trials with Primary Weapons. | |
Heavy Adept | Assumed to be defeating Guardians in Trials with Heavy Weapons. | |
Judge, Jury and Executioner | Complete Trials milestones in the Age of Triumph Record Book. Requires only 6 Milestones Completed. | By Fire Emblem |
This is all about accomplishments in the Trials of Osiris. Some things appear retroactive, including past Lighthouse visits so if you've ever been you're in the clear. The other milestones seem to be a bit more inclusive, simply play and get kills, die and get revives, and on at least one occasion be awesome and wipe the enemy team by yourself (probably best done with a Super).