Dead Orbit Vendor

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  • We'll need fighters to get us off this dying world.
  • What good will our possessions do when the Darkness returns.
  • I pleaded with the commander. He turned his back on me, so we must do this ourselves.
  • Darkness spreads across the sky. There is light, somewhere.
  • How can we ever leave knowing how many we have left behind.
  • The Speaker knows the Darkness comes yet the Traveler still doesn't stir; what now?
  • New Monarchy offers false hope. The War Cult offers despair.
  • I dreamed of the Darkness, swallowing the lights of the City block by block.
  • Earth has had its time. Mourn it, but don't die with it.
  • Children can serve Dead Orbit too. You see, little bodies can crawl in where others can't.
  • Oh it's the children I can't bare to think of. Think of their eyes when the Darkness comes.
  • The New Monarchy offers false hope. No king or queen can stand against the Darkness.
  • What good will the Traveler do when the Darkness comes. It's been silent too long.
  • A Golden Age vault, but deep in a Dead Zone.
  • Let the Executors mark us. We'll see how the ridiculous king fairs when the Darkness comes.
  • One by one the stars will go dark, we must outrun this unstoppable tide.
  • If the Executors stand in our way, they will see we are not afraid to fight.
  • A younger world awaits, skies that never have been scarred by the Fallen or the Hive.
  • A whole Golden Age shipyard, but crawling with Fallen.
  • It's not for our sake, but for those who will be born on better worlds.
  • The Fleet is our hope, I don't care what the law says. Take what we need.