Leg Armor

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Main article: Armor
0A0X Nightmask v1.1.4RareCrucible variant. Kinematics profiled for rapid flat-to-flight movement.
0A0X Nightmask v1.1.5RareCrucible variant. Kinematics profiled for rapid flat-to-flight movement.
AOS Cryptid (Leg Armor)Legendary
Agema Type 0 (Leg Armor)Uncommon"Proactive mobility is a luxury. Reactive mobility is a necessity." - from a doctrinal dispute
Apex Harmonic (Leg Armor)LegendaryThe field action of the weave synchronizes neuron populations to optimize muscle response.
Argus Deimatic 1.1.0RareThe armor-mounted transceiver antennae will happily double as melee weapons.
Argus Deimatic 1.1.2RareThe armor-mounted transceiver antennae will happily double as melee weapons.
Arihant Type 1 (Leg Armor)RareSome Titans speak of a transcendent state found only in battlefield success.
Armada Type 3 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCabal tactics assume they're bigger and less breakable than their opponents. Go make them revise.
Aspriet 1.0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Lightweight kinematic supports give wearers the sensation of flying.
Aspriet 1.1 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Lightweight kinematic supports give wearers the sensation of flying.
Astrolord BootsUncommonWhen the last war comes, we will be the victors.
Astrolord GreavesLegendaryWhen the last war comes, we will be the victors.
Aura Purge (Leg Armor)UncommonOnly through many journeys do rough paths become smooth roads.
Aura Purge I (Leg Armor)UncommonOnly through many journeys do rough paths become smooth roads.
Azoth Bend I (Leg Armor)LegendaryWarlocks trace their cultural roots back to the alchemists of the ancient world.
Azoth Bend II (Leg Armor)LegendaryWarlocks trace their cultural roots back to the alchemists of the ancient world.
BRONTIOS Type 0 (Leg Armor)RareWhen you stomp your feet, the ground should shake. If it doesn't, try adjusting the rumble packs in the soles.
BRONTIOS Type 1 (Leg Armor)RareWhen you stomp your feet, the ground should shake. If it doesn't, try adjusting the rumble packs in the soles.
Barkhan Dune I (Leg Armor)Legendary"The desert plays tricks on your eyes. Don't believe everything you see."
Battuta 1.0 (Leg Armor)UncommonThe first Hunters walked where no human had set foot for hundreds of years.
Bindcaster I (Leg Armor)Legendary"To completely know, and then completely destroy, another being." —Toland, the Shattered
Blindsight BootsLegendary"The courage to walk into the Darkness, but strength to return to the Light." —Parables of the Allspring
Blindsight GreavesLegendary"The courage to walk into the Darkness, but strength to return to the Light." —Parables of the Allspring
Blindsight LegsLegendary"The courage to walk into the Darkness, but strength to return to the Light." —Parables of the Allspring
Bog Wild 1.0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryFeel the swamp. Smell the swamp. Be the swamp.
Bones of Eao (Year 1)ExoticDefy extinction.
Bones of Eao (Year 2)ExoticDefy extinction.
Boots of No TomorrowUncommon
Boots of TriumphLegendaryYou've blazed your own path into legend.
Boots of a Dying StarLegendaryOthers fell. You flew.
Boots of the ExileLegendary"Many followed him when he left—if not with their feet, then with their hearts." —Fractal Scrolls
Boots of the Hezen LordsLegendaryRumor has it that the exile Osiris came too close to understanding the Vex.
Boots of the Iron LordsLegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Boots of the Jade RabbitLegendaryJust a hop, skip and a jump across Mars.
Bright SheathLegendaryShine bright against the Darkness.
Brusilov 1.0 (Leg Armor)UncommonWe will find the way.
Brusilov 1.1 (Leg Armor)UncommonWe will find the way.
Carnivore Match (Leg Armor)LegendaryThe Lotka-Volterra equations describe the relationship between the world and you.
Celeritate Type 3RareRace to win or don't race at all.
Chroma Vow IIIUncommonGuide and protect the new Warlocks you meet on your travels.
Circuit StridersLegendaryThese boots left their mark on victory lane.
Cobra's Vigil StepsLegendary"The challenge will come when you least expect it. You must be ready." —Fractal Scrolls
Cold MantisRareScarce materials and labor make it impossible to produce high-end armor in bulk.
Cold Mantis 2.1bRareScarce materials and labor make it impossible to produce high-end armor in bulk.
Cold Mantis 2.2bRareScarce materials and labor make it impossible to produce high-end armor in bulk.
Commando Custom (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible terrain is defined by ammo drop points and the sites where Ghosts revive their Guardians.
Commando Type 0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCommando fireteams rely on their Ghosts for field intelligence and demolition plans.
Cormorant Line I (Leg Armor)RarePraxic Warlocks honor bravery and service over all else.
Cormorant Line II (Leg Armor)RarePraxic Warlocks honor bravery and service over all else.
Corsair's Revenge 1.0 (Leg Armor)Rare"Wearing Fallen armor reminds me of the Fallen I killed to get it. Good times."
Corsair's Revenge 2.0 (Leg Armor)Rare"Wearing Fallen armor reminds me of the Fallen I killed to get it. Good times."
Cosmoclast GreavesLegendaryWilla, some of history's greatest inventions began as unintended side effects. ~SIVA.MEM.CL015
Cryptid 4.6 (Leg Armor)RareAutonomy is a Hunter's watchword. Far from the City, you must be swift, bold, and decisive.
Cryptid LegsUncommon
Crystalline BootsLegendary"The Warlocks strewed dancing lights in our way, and we forgot our aches and chills." —Eva Levante
DURGA-GNT Type 0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryI am a DURGA-GNT LOAD BEARING CUIRASS. Feed me bullets.
Darkhollow TreadsLegendary"Even now, the Daughters of Oryx weave black words of blight to bind his realm to ours." —Eris Morn
Days of Iron BootsLegendary"When the Iron Temple's fires were lit again, who came to stand before its hearth?" —The New-Forged Song
Days of Iron GreavesLegendary"When the Iron Temple's fires were lit again, who came to stand before its hearth?" —The New-Forged Song
Days of Iron StepsLegendary"When the Iron Temple's fires were lit again, who came to stand before its hearth?" —The New-Forged Song
Dead Light BootsLegendary"When all is shadow, know your journey has begun." —Arach Parnell
Dead Light GreavesLegendary"When all is shadow, know your journey has begun." —Arach Parnell
Deathsinger's Herald (Year 1)Legendary"Frankly, it's surprising that these don't hover."
Deathsinger's Herald (Year 3)Legendary"Frankly, it's surprising that these don't hover."
Desolate BootsLegendaryTransformation is not always revelation.
Desolate GreavesLegendaryTransformation is not always revelation.
Desolate LegsLegendaryTransformation is not always revelation.
Dream-Eater StridesLegendary"'No rest for the wicked,' they used to say. Now, they say the same about Hunters."
Dujiao Shou I (Leg Armor)Rare"We must reassess everything we thought we knew." —Wen Jie
Dujiao Shou II (Leg Armor)Rare"We must reassess everything we thought we knew." —Wen Jie
Dunemarchers (Year 2)ExoticWhether on solid rock or shifting sand dune, the inexorable Sand Eaters never slow their pace.
Dunemarchers (Year 3)ExoticWhether on solid rock or shifting sand dune, the inexorable Sand Eaters never slow their pace.
Dusk Tread VILegendary"Contrary to Hunter assertion, 'floofing about' is NOT an acceptable term for gliding."
Duskrender Type 0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryAs part of the Pilgrim Guard, Tarlowe guided many refugees to safety behind the City's walls.
Dustwalker (Leg Armor)LegendaryMartian dust storms erupt across the entire planet. For a Hunter, they're an opportunity to move in stealth.
Eclipse Maw VI (Leg Armor)Legendary"If the Vex have secrets to offer, then I will learn them from the smoke of their ruin."
Elector's Boots (Hunter)LegendaryOur footfalls forge the path to a new age.
Elector's Boots (Warlock)LegendaryOur footfalls forge the path to a new age.
Elector's GreavesLegendaryOur footfalls forge the path to a new age.
Endling GreavesLegendaryWe are endangered, but we can save ourselves.
Endling StepsLegendaryWe are endangered, but we can save ourselves.
Endling StridesLegendaryWe are endangered, but we can save ourselves.
Enigma Burn VIUncommonWhen a Hunter accuses you of disrupting his line of fire, answer thus: It was imperfect, and I could not abide it.
Eon Tracer BootsLegendary"I feel like every time I find the thread it slips through my fingers." —RECORD-448-CHASM-6565
Eon Tracer GreavesLegendary"I feel like every time I find the thread it slips through my fingers." —RECORD-448-CHASM-6565
Eon Tracer LegsLegendary"I feel like every time I find the thread it slips through my fingers." —RECORD-448-CHASM-6565
Exodus BootsLegendary
Exodus GreavesLegendaryIt will be cold and harrowing and we will not all survive. But it must be done.
Extropy Morph (Leg Armor)LegendaryThe Crucible is a metaphor for the human condition: continuous improvement.
Exultation BootsLegendaryBy all rights you should have died. But you're alive.
Fatekiller BootsLegendaryIt will be cold and harrowing and we will not all survive. But it must be done.
Fear Eater (Leg Armor)LegendaryNo one's impervious to psychological warfare. Even the Vex develop reactions to certain foes.
Fieldplate (Leg Armor)CommonThe sheer mass of Titan armor can break stone.
Fieldplate Type 2CommonThe sheer mass of Titan armor can break stone.
Firebreak (Leg Armor)CommonThis design rebels against the defensive dogma of many Titan orders.
Forester 2.1 (Leg Armor)CommonSparrows burn. Ships crash. The wise Hunter knows machines will fail, and makes ready to walk.
Forester 2.1r3CommonSparrows burn. Ships crash. The wise Hunter knows machines will fail, and makes ready to walk.
Fr0st-EE5 (Year 2)Exotic"Hey, if it works for computers…" —Marcus Ren
Fr0st-EE5 (Year 3)Exotic"Hey, if it works for computers…" —Marcus Ren
Garuda Type 0 (Leg Armor)Rare"You had a place among us once. I thought that you could again. I was wrong." —Lilavati-12
Garuda Type 1 (Leg Armor)Rare"You had a place among us once. I thought that you could again. I was wrong." —Lilavati-12
Gatewatch (Leg Armor)CommonWhen the enemy presses the City, the final order will always be: stand your ground.
Ghost Angel (Leg Armor)Legendary"We tracked the Fallen across the library floor, through drifts of paper and ash. The silence was magnificent."
Gravebreaker 1.3 (Leg Armor)LegendaryIn and out of the jaws of death.
Greaves of LamentationLegendaryYou crushed them beneath your feet.
Greaves of No TomorrowLegendaryWhen the last war comes, we will be the victors.
Greaves of TriumphLegendaryThey tell your story everywhere you go: how you went to the end of the world and came home.
Greaves of the ExileLegendary"Many followed him when he left—if not with their feet, then with their hearts." —Fractal Scrolls
Greaves of the PariahLegendary"To know true color, you must first know Darkness." —Parables of the Allspring
Greaves of the SevenLegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Gwalior Type 0 (Leg Armor)Uncommon"Remember that you carry the City's hopes. Go swiftly, and choose a place to make your stand."
H LD Starwinder (Leg Armor)LegendaryThis Leg Armor will keep you happy. Why shouldn't you be happy?
Hadron Gale IV (Leg Armor)LegendaryYou might not see the storm with your eyes, but you will feel it.
Haliaetus I (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Chiral fieldweave allows for unique programming on each leg.
Haliaetus II (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Chiral fieldweave allows for unique programming on each leg.
Harrowed Darkhollow Treads (Year 2)Legendary"Even now, the Daughters of Oryx weave black words of blight to bind his realm to ours." —Eris Morn
Harrowed Darkhollow Treads (Year 3)Legendary"Even now, the Daughters of Oryx weave black words of blight to bind his realm to ours." —Eris Morn
Harrowed Path of Xol (Year 2)LegendaryBound together, their power knows no limit, save their thirst for more.
Harrowed Path of Xol (Year 3)LegendaryBound together, their power knows no limit, save their thirst for more.
Harrowed War Numen's Boots (Year 2)LegendarySpeak, and the Darkness obeys. Command, and the song turns upon itself.
Harrowed War Numen's Boots (Year 3)LegendarySpeak, and the Darkness obeys. Command, and the song turns upon itself.
Heliopause BootsLegendaryWe'll walk if we have to.
Heliopause GreavesLegendaryWe'll walk if we have to.
Heliopause LegsLegendaryWe'll walk if we have to.
Hesperos Type 0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryLike the deep-sea divers of old, the Hesperonauts plunged into the fiery calderas of Venus.
Hesperos Type 1 (Leg Armor)LegendaryLike the deep-sea divers of old, the Hesperonauts plunged into the fiery calderas of Venus.
High Command BootsLegendaryRise above the noise. Take the throne.
High Command GreavesLegendaryRise above the noise. Take the throne.
High Command StepsLegendaryRise above the noise. Take the throne.
Highlander Type 0 (Leg Armor)UncommonOne legend speaks of a Titan whose methodical, scrupulous patrol never met a foe. Was she still a hero?
Holdfast Type 1 (Leg Armor)LegendaryLife's too short for a bad pair of boots - even on the second go round.
ISTANU-GNT Razor (Leg Armor)LegendaryI am an ISTANU-GNT WEAVE INTEGUMENT, built as a vessel for your might.
Illyrian Type 0 (Leg Armor)UncommonTitan doctrine grapples with the balance between fixed strength and fluid, positional advantage.
Immanent War BootsLegendaryTear through chaos. Leave it in ash.
Immanent War GreavesLegendaryStride through chaos; leave ash in your wake.
Immanent War LegsLegendaryStride through chaos; leave ash in your wake.
Infinite Lines BootsLegendary"Every time I look, the Darkness just grows larger." —RECORD 345-CHASM-6736
Infinite Lines GreavesLegendary"Every time I look, it's like—the Darkness just grows larger." —RECORD 345-CHASM-6736
Infinite Lines LegsLegendary"Every time I look, the Darkness just grows larger." —RECORD 345-CHASM-6736
Iron Breed Boots (Year 1)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Breed Boots (Year 3)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Breed Greaves (Year 1)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Breed Greaves (Year 3)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Companion Boots (Year 2)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Companion Boots (Year 3)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Companion Greaves (Year 2)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Companion Greaves (Year 3)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Companion Legs (Year 2)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Companion Legs (Year 3)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Regalia Boots (Year 1)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Regalia Boots (Year 3)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Regalia Greaves (Year 1)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Regalia Greaves (Year 3)LegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Iron Saga BootsLegendaryThus armed were the Iron Lords of old, in the days after the Collapse.
Iron Saga GreavesLegendaryThus armed were the Iron Lords of old, in the days after the Collapse.
Iron Saga StepsLegendaryThus armed were the Iron Lords of old, in the days after the Collapse.
Ithacan Type 0 (Leg Armor)Uncommon"We leave the City to ensure there will still be a City when we return."
Ithacan Type 1 (Leg Armor)Uncommon"We leave the City to ensure there will still be a City when we return."
Jackknife 1.3LegendaryThe programmable soles mimic the tracks of local wildlife.
Jovian Guard (Leg Armor)LegendaryAre you prepared to walk where no one has trod for centuries?
Justicar's BootsLegendary
Justicar's GreavesLegendaryOur choice is simple: find our strength, or face extinction.
KALI-GNT Scout Rig (Leg Armor)LegendaryI am a KALI-GNT CHARRINGTON TACTICAL TREAD. What's on your mind?
KD Bogatyr 2.0 (Leg Armor)Legendary"I'm depending on you, Guardian. Wouldn't want me to get bored, would you?" —Cayde-6
Kabr's Forceful Greaves (Year 1)LegendaryHe was claimed by the Vault. His armor and myth are all that remain.
Kabr's Forceful Greaves (Year 3)LegendaryHe was claimed by the Vault. His armor and myth are all that remain.
Kabr's Lifegiving TreadsLegendaryHe was claimed by the Vault. His armor and myth are all that remain.
Kallipolis BootsLegendaryA City is only as strong as its leader.
Kallipolis GreavesLegendaryA City is only as strong as its leader.
Kallipolis LegsLegendaryA City is only as strong as its leader.
Keeper's PathLegendary"She saw much. Knew much. Now we learn without her guidance." —Variks
Kellbreaker's PathLegendaryWe travel a delicate path toward understanding. Our learning can be volatile. Our subjects, aggressive.
Kellhunter's PathLegendaryA strong Kell's power is like the wind: swift, howling and everywhere at once.
Kellslayer's GreavesLegendaryAll that remains are broken bodies and the lingering hint of dissipated ether.
Knight Type 1 (Leg Armor)RareBased on the Fieldplate design, the Knight pattern employs spinmetal and relic iron, sparing no expense.
Komarov 3.0cUncommonTraditionally inscribed with a list: Komarov, Grissom, White, Chaffee - and more. Souls lost to a higher purpose.
Komarov 3.1r4UncommonTraditionally inscribed with a list: Komarov, Grissom, White, Chaffee - and more. Souls lost to a higher purpose.
Lantern GreavesLegendary"We walked to the end of the world and beyond." —Zavala
Legs of No TomorrowLegendaryWhen the last war comes, we will be the victors.
Legs of the ExileLegendary"Many followed him when he left—if not with their feet, then with their hearts." —Fractal Scrolls
Legs of the SevenLegendaryOrnate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
Lion's Vigil StridesLegendary"The challenge will come when you least expect it. You must be ready." —Fractal Scrolls
Logic Singer ICommonDo not be lulled by hubris. It's exhilarating to stop bullets on the armor of your Light. But you are not invincible yet.
Logic Singer IICommonDo not be lulled by hubris. It's exhilarating to stop bullets on the armor of your Light. But you are not invincible yet.
Long Tomorrow 9G (Leg Armor)Legendary"He said he was determined to make it to Alpha Centauri. That was the last we ever saw him."
MYCENAE Type 0 (Leg Armor)RareWhomever owned these boots had weird-shaped feet.
MYCENAE Type 1 (Leg Armor)RareWhomever owned these boots had weird-shaped feet.
Mangala Skin 1.3 (Leg Armor)UncommonThe Martian surface offers no solace to the lost. Guardians must move swiftly and be watchful.
Mangala Skin 1.3dUncommonThe Martian surface offers no solace to the lost. Guardians must move swiftly and be watchful.
Mangonel Type 2 (Leg Armor)Legendary"An unjust commander is not worthy of loyalty." —Ouros
Mantic Zealot GreavesLegendarySkinned in the membranes of the Hezen Vex. There is very little risk they will become permanently attached to your body.
Mk. 44 Stand Asides (Year 1)ExoticPardon me. Coming through.
Mk. 44 Stand Asides (Year 2)ExoticPardon me. Coming through.
Molniya Custom T2LegendaryRelentless advance. All-terrain grip. Sporty trim.
Molniya Type 0 (Leg Armor)Legendary"So I ask Wei Ning: what about the Darkness itself? What then? And she says: I'll punch it too." - Pahanin Errata
Momentum BootsLegendaryThe unfinished race will never be won.
Monitor Type 2 (Leg Armor)Legendary"If a Hunter accuses you of hopping, tell them you're using rapid bounding traversal." - Gravitas Doctrines
Monolith Bleed IIILegendaryThe Crucible gave birth to the thanatonauts: Warlocks who hunt for secrets in death.
Murvaux Type 0 (Leg Armor)Legendary"Kei-Ying. Gave his last full measure at Twilight Gap." —The Last Stands of First Pillars
Nanomania BootsLegendaryNearly any problem a deep-space colonist could have, SIVA can fix. ~SIVA.MEM.WB005
Nerigal Savant III (Leg Armor)LegendaryThe enemy is only another algorithm. Simplify it, solve it, and set it in its place.
Neuroghast 1.0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryUnmyelinated fieldweave doesn't actually strengthen your body—just makes it feel invincible.
Neuroghast 2.1 (Leg Armor)LegendaryUnmyelinated fieldweave doesn't actually strengthen your body—just makes it feel invincible.
Objekt 959 GreavesLegendaryHow does it feel to land a six-meter jump in full armor? That depends who you're landing on.
Oblivion GreavesLegendaryIt will be cold and harrowing and we will not all survive. But it must be done.
Order's BootsLegendaryOur choice is simple: find our strength, or face extinction.
Order's GreavesLegendaryOur choice is simple: find our strength, or face extinction.
Pacorus Type 0 (Leg Armor)Rare"What happens to Guardians when they die for the last time?"
Pacorus Type 1 (Leg Armor)Rare"What happens to Guardians when they die for the last time?"
Pandion Type 0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Rheostatic casings move with you like a second skin.
Pandion Type 1 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Rheostatic casings move with you like a second skin.
Pariah BootsLegendary"To know true color, you must first know Darkness." —Parables of the Allspring
Path of XolLegendaryBound together, their power knows no limit, save their thirst for more.
Peregrine Greaves (Year 1)ExoticSurely the Warlocks cling to these fossils for a reason. What could it be, oh bearer mine?
Peregrine Greaves (Year 2)ExoticVictory from on high.
Prime Zealot Greaves (Year 1)LegendarySkinned in the membranes of the Hezen Vex. There is very little risk they will become permanently attached to your body.
Prime Zealot Greaves (Year 3)LegendarySkinned in the membranes of the Hezen Vex. There is very little risk they will become permanently attached to your body.
Prototype 0.9bCommonYour Ghost built this wire armor from available mass. It handles life support, but little else.
Queen's Guard Boots (Hunter)LegendaryCarry yourself lightly, and with pride.
Queen's Guard Boots (Hunter) (Year 3)LegendaryCarry yourself lightly, and with pride.
Queen's Guard Boots (Warlock)LegendaryCarry yourself lightly, and with pride.
Queen's Guard Boots (Warlock) (Year 3)LegendaryCarry yourself lightly, and with pride.
Queen's Guard Boots (Year 3)LegendaryCarry yourself lightly, and with pride.
Queen's Guard Greaves (Year 1)LegendaryCarry yourself lightly, and with pride.
Queen's Guard Greaves (Year 3)LegendaryCarry yourself lightly, and with pride.
Rabbit Type 3RareThe wolf always catches the rabbit in the end.
Racing LegsLegendaryDesigned for speed.
Radiant Dance Machines (Year 1)ExoticBuilt for swift movement, they provide unexpected and decisive social benefits.
Radiant Dance Machines (Year 2)ExoticBuilt for swift movement, they provide unexpected and decisive social benefits.
Raku Crucible Type (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible custom. Memory metal insets help form a perfect fist, each and every time.
Raku Gwener Type 1 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Conformal gas injectors prevent overheating.
Raku Izumi IV (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Element shift allows for optimal sprinting, jumping, and holding position.
Raku Poltergeist 2.0 (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Padded wtih light and durable diamond foam.
Raku Vindicator (Leg Armor)LegendaryA notable triumph in the ongoing sartorial struggle.
Raven Sheath IIUncommonYou are one of the only living beings with the freedom to roam at will. Stop a while and watch the stars.
Red Miasma BootsLegendaryGeneral, poorly worded or malicious code is the fault of the programmer, not SIVA itself. ~SIVA.MEM.WB010
Rimed BootsLegendaryScale your slippery slopes with ease.
Rogue 4.5 (Leg Armor)CommonNever hurts to carry a spare.
Rogue 4.5.1CommonNever hurts to carry a spare.
Rogue 4.5r2CommonNever hurts to carry a spare.
Rustburner 1.5 (Leg Armor)RareCabal tactics must be countered by aggressive maneuver and concentration of force. Remain agile
Salicin Fen I (Leg Armor)Rare"Not a trace of him is left. Only the swamps of Venus remain." —The Five Lives of Albios
Salicin Fen II (Leg Armor)Rare"Not a trace of him is left. Only the swamps of Venus remain." —The Five Lives of Albios
Samsara I (Leg Armor)Legendary"I'm glad I can't remember. Start fresh, you know?" —Lyssa, the Lighthearted
Sanction Custom (Leg Armor)LegendaryThe key to success is destroying the enemy's ability to process and react.
Sanction Six (Leg Armor)LegendaryAerospace assets are valuable. We'll walk from here.
Scarab's Vigil GreavesLegendary"The challenge will come when you least expect it. You must be ready." —Fractal Scrolls
Scarlight BootsLegendaryLight the way through avalanche or blizzard.
Scoutmail Type 2CommonLayers of ceramic, alloy, field drivers, and paracausal Light work together to give Titan armor surprising mobility.
Seraph I (Leg Armor)Rare"Wherever we were, do you think it sometimes wants us back?"
Seraph II (Leg Armor)Rare"Wherever we were, do you think it sometimes wants us back?"
Seraph Reform I (Leg Armor)Rare"Wherever we were, do you think it sometimes wants us back?"
Seraph Reform II (Leg Armor)Rare"Wherever we were, do you think it sometimes wants us back?"
Sinaa Jaguar 2.1 (Leg Armor)UncommonIf the enemy flees, run them down. If the enemy strikes back, reposition. Speed is always the answer.
Sinaa Jaguar 2.1r2UncommonIf the enemy flees, run them down. If the enemy strikes back, reposition. Speed is always the answer.
Sinaa Jaguar 2.1r3UncommonIf the enemy flees, run them down. If the enemy strikes back, reposition. Speed is always the answer.
Sinaa Lamprey 1.0 (Leg Armor)RareAuto-pressurized joints let agile Hunters move at top speeds.
Sinaa Lamprey 1.1 (Leg Armor)RareAuto-pressurized joints let agile Hunters move at top speeds.
Snakeline 4.5 (Leg Armor)UncommonA Hunter's bootprints mark the outer edge of civilization.
Snakeline 4.5.1UncommonA Hunter's bootprints mark the outer edge of civilization.
Snakeline 4.5r2UncommonA Hunter's bootprints mark the outer edge of civilization.
Snow Angel BootsLegendary"Sure, it was cold. But I'm an Exo. We keep going." —Cayde-6
Snowglare GreavesLegendaryOthers will follow in your footsteps where the snow lies dinted.
Sojourn BootsLegendary
Solo Clade (Leg Armor)UncommonWe are the first of a new generation.
Solo Clade I (Leg Armor)UncommonWe are the first of a new generation.
Spearhead Type 0 (Leg Armor)Legendary"Evade the Cabal counterattack? My friend, they're finally sending us something worth killing." —Wei Ning
Speed of the KellLegendaryA strong Kell's power is like the wind: swift, howling, and everywhere at once.
Speeder BootsLegendaryIn the end, there was nothing left but a smoking pair of boots. This item can be discarded and reclaimed at the holiday kiosk.
Spektar Aspriet BootsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar BootsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar GreavesLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Haliaetus LegsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Heliopause BootsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Heliopause GreavesLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Heliopause LegsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Infinite BootsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Infinite GreavesLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Infinite LegsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Kallipolis BootsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Kallipolis GreavesLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Kallipolis LegsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar LegsLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spektar Pandion GreavesLegendaryArmor infused with Chroma multi-channel heat sinks.
Spliced Cosmoclast GreavesLegendaryWilla, some of history's greatest inventions began as unintended side effects. ~SIVA.MEM.CL015
Spliced Nanomania BootsLegendaryNearly any problem a deep-space colonist could have, SIVA can fix. ~SIVA.MEM.WB005
Spliced Red Miasma BootsLegendaryGeneral, poorly worded or malicious code is the fault of the programmer, not SIVA itself. ~SIVA.MEM.WB010
Starwinder LegsUncommon
Stellam Type 3RareThe race begins when you choose to run.
Stellar Impact GreavesLegendaryWelcome to Mark 2 STELLAR IMPACT. Let's work on your entrance.
Steps of TriumphLegendaryYou've walked all the ways of wisdom. The laurels of victory adorn your steps.
Stratus 3.0cCommonWhether the weapon is a rifle or a blade, the kill demands positioning. Know your ground.
Stratus 3.1.2 (Leg Armor)CommonWhether the weapon is a rifle or a blade, the kill demands positioning. Know your ground.
Stride of the ArchonLegendaryThe Kell and Archon keep a delicate balance. The Kell rules - but the Archon must have power to intervene.
Symmetry Fang II (Leg Armor)LegendaryThe better part of everything is emptiness, and emptiness leaves room to move.
Takanome Ranger 1.0 (Leg Armor)Rare"You couldn't get far on one life alone. Not in those days." —Chiyoko Mey
Takanome Ranger 1.1 (Leg Armor)Rare"You couldn't get far on one life alone. Not in those days." —Chiyoko Mey
Talion Glory (Leg Armor)Legendary"I wonder who picks these Crucible sites - who says 'Oh, a mysterious Vex construct? Good place for a scrap!'"
Talion Grace (Leg Armor)LegendaryOnly Light can break this most fundamental axiom.
Taroudant Type 0 (Leg Armor)Uncommon"Wherever you go, your footprints mark the City's outermost walls."
Taroudant Type 1 (Leg Armor)Uncommon"Wherever you go, your footprints mark the City's outermost walls."
Temporis Floe IV (Leg Armor)LegendaryConsider the chronometer. It has no knowledge of past or future, only the infinite present.
Terra Bide (Leg Armor)UncommonThough we walk on distant worlds, our minds are never far from the City.
Tireless Striders (Year 1)LegendaryIf there is no road, then it cannot be long.
Tireless Striders (Year 3)LegendaryIf there is no road, then it cannot be long.
Tracker 1.0.1Common"Play with the fit and the sensors until it feels like going barefoot." - Handbook of (Un)Controversial Advice
Tracker 1.1bCommon"Play with the fit and the sensors until it feels like going barefoot." - Handbook of (Un)Controversial Advice
Transversive Steps (Year 2)ExoticIn these boots, your relationship with consistent spacetime is...tenuous at best.
Transversive Steps (Year 3)ExoticIn these boots, your relationship with consistent spacetime is...tenuous at best.
Tread of the Hezen Lords (Year 1)LegendaryRumor has it that the exile Osiris came too close to understanding the Vex.
Tread of the Hezen Lords (Year 3)LegendaryRumor has it that the exile Osiris came too close to understanding the Vex.
Treads of the PariahLegendary"To know true color, you must first know Darkness." —Parables of the Allspring
Unity Clade (Leg Armor)LegendaryEvery time you rise, the past walks with you.
Ursus Tactical (Leg Armor)Legendary"Shaxx is always telling us to stick together. I've come to think Shaxx really loves to watch us eat grenades."
VISIGOTH Type 0 (Leg Armor)RareThe preferred armor pattern of Jagi's Host.
VISIGOTH Type 1 (Leg Armor)RareThe preferred armor pattern of Jagi's Host.
Vanth Orcus 0A0X (Leg Armor)LegendaryCrucible variant. Massive inertial sinks anchor high-performance weave.
Vaquero 1.0 (Leg Armor)UncommonGiddyup.
Vaquero 1.1 (Leg Armor)UncommonGiddyup.
Vector OathCommonYour journey may bring you to places of ancient power. Don't let respect hobble your curiosity.
Vector Oath IICommonYour journey may bring you to places of ancient power. Don't let respect hobble your curiosity.
Vector Oath VICommonYour journey may bring you to places of ancient power. Don't let respect hobble your curiosity.
Vermilion Stripe 1.0 (Leg Armor)LegendarySooner or later, every Hunter dons the vermilion stripe.
Viper Spine IVLegendaryWill is the beginning of everything. Unchain yourself from causality.
War Numen's BootsLegendarySpeak, and the Darkness obeys. Command, and the song turns upon itself.
Warden's PathLegendary"Yeah, I've been to the treasure room. I think it's about time the Awoken took some of that loot and paid for an elevator." —Cayde-6
Watchers' BootsLegendary"Light burns. Light heals. Light blinds. Light reveals." —Parables of the Allspring
Watchers' GreavesLegendary"Light burns. Light heals. Light blinds. Light reveals." —Parables of the Allspring
Willbreaker's Greaves (Year 1)LegendaryThe ground shudders beneath your feet.
Willbreaker's Greaves (Year 3)LegendaryThe ground shudders beneath your feet.
Winged Sun BootsLegendary"Feet alone cannot take us to where we're going." —Parables of the Allspring
Winged Sun GreavesLegendary"Feet alone cannot take us to where we're going." —Parables of the Allspring
Winged Sun LegsLegendary"Feet alone cannot take us to where we're going." —Parables of the Allspring
Witness GreavesLegendary"Losing Queen very bad. What we do now is for her." —Variks
Wolf Pelt Weave 1.0 (Leg Armor)Rare"I have ten more sets just like this."
Wolf Pelt Weave 2.0 (Leg Armor)Rare"I have ten more sets just like this."
Wolf Pelt Weave Zed (Leg Armor)Rare"I have ten more sets just like this."
Wolf Walker GreavesLegendary"As a Titan, I feel personally obligated to stand up for the much-mocked concept of a walking tank."
Zhurong Type 0 (Leg Armor)Uncommon"To those behind the Wall, love and service. To those outside it, fury and fire." —Pilgrim Guard maxim

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