Melee Abilities

Revision as of 21:41, 24 September 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)

Melee Abilities are usually close range attacks that can be performed by using your melee button (R1 for PS3/4). If your melee ability is on cooldown you will perform a normal melee attack. Each subclass has its own unique melee ability. Each melee ability has 3 different upgrades.

 ClassSubclassDescriptionUpgrade 1Upgrade 2Upgrade 3
Blink StrikeHunterBladedancerA powerful melee attack with extended range.
DisintegrateTitanDefenderKilling an enemy with this powerful melee attack creates a Force Barrier around you which absorbs incoming damage.
Energy DrainWarlockVoidwalkerA powerful melee attack which drains energy from enemies and uses it to reduce the cooldown of your grenade.
ScorchWarlockSunsingerA powerful melee attack that ignites enemies, causing fire damage over time.
SmokeHunterNightstalkerThrow Smoke to slow and disorient those trapped in its cloud.
Storm FistTitanStrikerA punishing melee attack that deals bonus damage.
SunstrikeTitanSunbreakerBurn your enemies with a heavy Solar Melee strike.
Throwing KnifeHunterGunslingerThrow a knife from a distance.
ThunderstrikeWarlockStormcallerDeliver an electrocuting Arc melee strike at extended range.

Strength and Melee Abilities Mechanics

Players can increase their strength stat to reduce the cooldown of their Melee Abilities.

When you have no strength and thus 0% cooldown reduction bonus to your melee abilities, your melee ability recharges in 1 minute and 9 seconds.

When you have enough strength to have 100% cooldown reduction bonus to your melee abilities, your melee ability recharges in 31 seconds (45% of original recharge).

Last modified on 24 September 2014, at 21:41