Dead Orbit Vendor

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We'll need fighters to get us off this dying world.

What good will our possessions do when the Darkness returns.

I pleaded with the commander. He turned his back on me, so we must do this ourselves.

Darkness spreads across the sky. There is light, somewhere.

How can we ever leave knowing how many we have left behind.

The Speaker knows the Darkness comes yet the Traveler still doesn't stir; what now?

New Monarchy offers false hope. The War Cult offers despair.

I dreamed of the Darkness, swallowing the lights of the City block by block.

Earth has had its time. Mourn it, but don't die with it.

Children can serve Dead Orbit too. You see, little bodies can crawl in where others can't.

Oh it's the children I can't bare to think of. Think of their eyes when the Darkness comes.

The New Monarchy offers false hope. No king or queen can stand against the Darkness.

What good will the Traveler do when the Darkness comes. It's been silent too long.

A Golden Age vault, but deep in a Dead Zone.

Let the Executors mark us. We'll see how the ridiculous king fairs when the Darkness comes.

One by one the stars will go dark, we must outrun this unstoppable tide.

If the Executors stand in our way, they will see we are not afraid to fight.

A younger world awaits, skies that never have been scarred by the Fallen or the Hive.

A whole Golden Age shipyard, but crawling with Fallen.

It's not for our sake, but for those who will be born on better worlds.

The Fleet is our hope, I don't care what the law says. Take what we need.