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Attack is a stat that increases your damage to higher level enemies. It acts as a limit on what you can deal full damage to. Players do reduced damage to enemies that are higher level than the players. Higher attack allows the player to do full damage to higher level enemies.

This is not a damage / DPS stat, but rather the shooter equivalent of "to-hit" from RPG's. But since all hits are based on player aim, shots don't hit or miss from this stat - instead, the damage of the resulting hit is scaled based on the difference between your weapon's Attack stat and the target's Defense stat. If your Attack exceeds the target's Defense, you'll do full damage. Otherwise, you'll do some reduced amount proportional to the difference. This is critically important if you're facing high-level mobs or participating in the Iron Banner PVP event, where gear stats matter. If you're just farming low-level mobs or participating in regular Crucible PVP, this doesn't matter nearly as much (in fact, for the Crucible, it doesn't matter at all since damage is normalized for all players).

Aim AssistAttackBlast RadiusCharge RateDamage TypeEquip Speed
ImpactMagazineRangeRate of FireRecoilReloadStabilityVelocityZoom