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 Acquired byCostDescription
All My Victims Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksMade from the torn cloaks of other Hunters. Other, lesser Hunters.
Astrolord Cloak (Year 3)Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor75 Legendary MarksHistory's lords have ever painted the future in tones of fire and shadow.
Bloodstained Hood (Year 3)Archon's Forge"Those Jaguar militant types seem a little extreme." —a person of inadequate ferocity
Brawler's Cloak (Year 3)Acquired from Undying Mind StrikeHunters may be averse to centralized organization, but nothing is more fearsome than a coordinated stalk.
Chaos Cloak (Year 3)Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor75 Legendary MarksThere is no doubt that our future will be won in battle.
Cloak of Atropos (Year 3)Acquired from ?? StrikeOne boast goes, "When Cabal see my cloak, they flee." Another goes, 'Look at all these dead Cabal!'
Cloak of Dredgen Yor (Year 3)The Crucible
Acquired from Crimson Double
Before he took Pahanin's Light, Dredgen Yor ruled the Crucible, the notorious Thorn at his side.
Cloak of Fast ResolvePurchased from Lord Shaxx
Reward from Crucible rank-up packages
Crucible matches
Archon's Forge
Or Nightfall
75 Legendary Marks"Don't second-guess yourself." —Ain Suhu-ässä
Cloak of Hidden Agendas (Year 3)Acquired from ?? Strike"Tell a Titan only a madman would go. Tell a Warlock it's too complex." - Pahanin Errata
Cloak of Immanent War (Year 3)Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor75 Legendary MarksA new dawn breaks. Feel how it burns.
Cloak of LegendsAge of Triumph (Quest)The cloak of a Hunter who's seen and done it all and lived to tell the tale.
Cloak of No Tomorrow (Year 3)Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor75 Legendary MarksTomorrow will be as yesterday was. There will always be a battle to be won.
Cloak of Oblivion (Year 3)Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor75 Legendary MarksOur salvation lies ahead of us. Go forth. There is nothing left to leave behind.
Cloak of Order (Year 3)Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor75 Legendary MarksThe City prospers on our field of order and justice.
Cloak of Perception (Year 3)"Have you walked the ruins? Seen the machines born from the lightning? We face a mighty foe."
Cloak of Ragged Fortune (Year 3)Archon's ForgeSometimes a Hunter will lose a cloak in a bet. It's poor form to replace it right away.
Cloak of Repair (Year 3)Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor75 Legendary MarksWe'll carve our future through the will of the people.
Cloak of Reverence (Year 3)The stylized twin arc represents the world beneath the Traveler.
Cloak of Seven Bones (Year 3)King's Fall (Age of Triumph)"Let this bone I reaped in battle give me strength to reap again."
Cloak of Solitude (Year 3)The tattered remnants of a lost veteran's cloak, handed down as a reminder and a warning.
Cloak of Tekmor (Year 3)Acquired from ?? StrikeWhen an old Hunter wears a simple cloak, ask yourself where she got it, and what the cloth remembers.
Cloak of the Apsides (Year 3)Archon's Forge"The Hunter creed calls us outward. And what do we find out there? Hard vacuum. Respect it."
Cloak of the Cosmonaut (Year 3)Acquired from ?? StrikeVladimir Komarov helped build and fly Earth's first ships. He gave his life to the frontier.
Cloak of the Exile (Year 3)The Crucible"Was he exiled? Did he leave willingly? Was the parting angry? Peaceful? Is he dead? Alive? In a word: yes." —Sister Faora
Cloak of the Exodus (Year 3)Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor75 Legendary MarksFind the way.
Cloak of the Ironsworn (Year 3)The Crucible
Acquired from Crimson Double
"Those who find victory in the Crucible will win salvation for our City." - Iron Banner maxim
Cloak of the Justicars (Year 3)Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor75 Legendary MarksIn pursuit of the City's safety, our jurisdiction is unlimited.
Cloak of the Leopard (Year 3)Acquired from ?? StrikeLegend says that no animal was more difficult to hunt than the leopard.
Cloak of the Mantis (Year 3)Archon's Forge"Patient camouflage and precise violence. No wonder they survived."
Cloak of the Reefrunners (Year 3)Archon's Forge"The child asked me if the Awoken were blue because they were cold. Then he called my cloak a blanket."
Cloak of the Rising (Year 3)Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor75 Legendary MarksThe New Monarchy is the aegis that guards humanity.
Cloak of the Shadowjacks (Year 3)Archon's ForgeTwilight Gap highlighted the desperate need for proactive strikes to keep the enemy off balance.
Cloak of the Shadowsmiths (Year 3)Archon's Forge"It's already being handled." - Cayde-6, in an emergency session of the City Consensus
Cloak of the Sixth Reign (Year 3)Possible reward from Queen's Wrath rank-up packagesOne throne beneath the howling dark.
Cloak of the Skypillar (Year 3)Some suggest Saint-14's legendary vigil was enabled by a few roaming Hunters and their bloody culls.
Cloak of the Sojourn (Year 3)Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor75 Legendary MarksThe stars are calling.
Cloak of the Unborn (Year 3)"Child asked me if I was a clock. I told her yes. I was keeping time until the world would be safe for her."
Cloak of the Unflinching (Year 3)Anyone who takes the pathway into orbit will never want to leave it. Challenge the universe.
Competitor Match (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary Marks"Instinct tells you to cherish victory, but defeat holds all the lessons." —Lord Shaxx
Dead Light Cloak (Year 3)Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor75 Legendary Marks"Beyond the Reef. Beyond the Nine." —Arach Jalaal
Devils' Cloak (Year 3)"There are some bargains worthy of any risk."
Dream-Eater CloakArchon's Forge"I need more sustenance than dreams alone can provide."
Drifter's Cloak (Year 3)Cut from City textile and worn as a mark of pride by Hunters with big dreams.
Dustwalker Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksA good survival cape can be used as a hull patch, bandage, tourniquet, pressure seal, picnic blanket...
Dynamo Cloak (Year 3)"Your missions: protect the City. Look better than Warlocks. But don't look like you're trying." - Pahanin Errata
Endling CloakPurchased from Arach Jalaal
Reward from Dead Orbit rank-up packages
Or Nightfall
75 Legendary Marks"I am haunted by the Endling, the last living human." —Arach Jalaal
Eon Tracer CloakPurchased from Lakshmi-2
Reward from Future War Cult rank-up packages
Or Nightfall
75 Legendary Marks"We trace the history of war throughout the ages." —Lakshmi-2
Extropic Cloak (Year 3)Archon's Forge"Child came for our robes today. He said the Awoken Hunters needed them, as they were cold." —Warlock doorlog
Fieldcraft Hood (Year 3)Archon's ForgeEven vacuum-ready field wire armor should be kept out of the rain. Rig a hood.
Fixer Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksI solve problems.
Frumious Cloak (Year 3)Archon's ForgeTell the Warlocks your cloak is frabjous. They respect words they don't understand.
Ghost Angel Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksWe are an army of the chosen dead.
Grinder's Cloak (Year 3)"First, check your cloak for damage. Second, inspect yourself for major wounds." - Handbook of (Un)Controversial Advice
H LD Starwinder Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksAs the cloak frays, it reveals the ancient works of Li Qingzhao, carved in chips of bone.
Hardcase Cloak (Year 3)Archon's ForgeIf you learn nothing else, learn this: when a Hunter takes up the cloak of a dead comrade, this is a vow.
High Command CloakPurchased from Executor Hideo
Reward from New Monarchy rank-up packages
Or Nightfall
75 Legendary Marks"The City demands a leader. Now, before it is too late." —Executor Hideo
Hood of the Night Sun (Year 3)Acquired from the Abominable Heist strike"I am not a dashing rogue. I am not a free spirit. I am a claw in the throat of the dark, and I will draw blood."
Hustler's Cloak (Year 3)They say you will never find an impractical Hunter. But what do 'they' know about dashing cloaks?
Idylls of the Iron Lords (Hunter Cloak)Rise of Iron Record Book"The tale of the Iron Lords is not over." —Lord Saladin Forge
Iron Saga CloakPurchased from Iron Banner Vendor
Dropped in Iron Banner
Awarded from completing Iron Banner Bounties
25 Legendary Marks"The worlds still need the Iron Lords." —Lord Saladin
Kings' Cloak (Year 3)"Of which world? All of them."
Lead Scout's Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary Marks"To clear mines: step on mine. Wait for Ghost revival. Step on mine 2. Wait for Ghost. Step on - "
Lion's Vigil CloakRandomly dropped from winning ToO matches
5 wins on Trials Passage
"When we hunt together, we cannot fail." —Fractal Scrolls
Makeshift Scarf (Year 3)The Hunter's cloak speaks to their personality. Your Ghost scrounged up this tough synthetic wrap, marked with an ancient double-headed eagle.
Mantle of Efrideet (Year 3)Decrypted from Dusty Iron Engram
Dropped from Iron Banner matches
Stand in the fire until there is nothing left to burn away.
Mantle of Gheleon (Year 3)Rise of Iron Record Book
Purchased from Shiro-4
1 Legendary Engram, 5000 GlimmerYou are an army, an armada, a force unto itself.
Mantle of Perun (Year 3)Rise of Iron Record Book
Purchased from Shiro-4
1 Legendary Engram, 5000 GlimmerYour mark be made, by thunder's crack or lightning's strike.
Maverick's Cloak (Year 3)"Bright colors are Mother Nature's way of saying 'don't mess with me.' We like a lot of her ideas."
Melting Point (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksIn the Crucible, you'll find yours.
Nagari Cloak (Year 3)Acquired from omnigal StrikeIn this age of Light and fire, simple skills still endure. Hunters embroider signs of war and loss on their cloaks.
Nanomania CloakDropped in Wrath of the MachineHabitats, equipment, repairs of all kinds—all of these things can be made from one material. ~SIVA.MEM.WB003
Night Rain Cloak (Year 3)Hunters constantly tweak and upgrade their armor. A cloak is the best mark of recognition.
Nightmask Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Acquired from Crimson Double
"They say the Crucible is preparation for the frontier. I see it the other way around." - Ain Suhu-ässä
Not A Fallen Hood (Year 3)Friendly fire is as deadly as any Fallen skiff, so some Hunters choose cloaks for pure visibility.
Novgorod CloakPurchased from Hunter Vanguard
Rank-up packages
Crucible matches
Archon's Forge
Or Nightfall
75 Legendary Marks"A Hunter back from a quest? Now that's the best storyteller in the galaxy." —Cayde-6
Octopus Cloak (Year 3)Acquired from ?? Strike"If human extinction seems imminent, try to relax. You're just giving cephalopods a shot." - Pahanin Errata
Pleiades Hood (Year 3)Archon's ForgeThe enemy sees beyond visual light, so cloth camouflage is difficult. No sense looking drab.
Red Eclipse Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksStill we shine.
Rustworn Cloak (Year 3)Archon's ForgeIt's been stained and torn by old metal. But whatever it went through, it survived.
Shattered Vault Cloak (Year 3)Vault of Glass (Age of Triumph)The machines are not invincible.
Shroud of Flies (Year 3)Crota's End (Age of Triumph)They gather where death steps.
Spliced Nanomania CloakDropped in Wrath of the Machine HMHabitats, equipment, repairs of all kinds—all of these things can be made from one material. ~SIVA.MEM.WB003
Tracker's Wrap (Year 3)This cut-down cloak marks the bearer as a rising Hunter, newly reborn and eager to roam.
Unbelievably Old Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksLook at all that...character.
Watchers' Cloak (Year 3)The CrucibleA prestigious trophy earned in battle during the Trials of Osiris.
Wetwork Cloak (Year 3)The Crucible
Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster
?? Legendary MarksThis passage intentionally redacted
Wolves' Cloak (Year 3)"Run with me, we've new trails to stalk."