Swarm Princes (Grimoire Card)

Swarm Princes (Grimoire Card)
Swarm Princes (Grimoire Card)
Category Enemies
Subcategory Exalted Hive
Acquired by Encountering Swarm Princes
Grimoire Score 15
Stats Tracked Kills, Deaths
Quote "The royalty of nightmare."
Description The Swarm Princes are terrible legends. It was their will that forged the Sword of Crota, a weapon meant to ravage worlds - the Great Render of Light, the Darkest Edge. They have waited in the shadows of the Hellmouth for their master's return, guarding the Sword and sating its ravenous hunger with the Light of Guardians who have dared to challenge them.

Swarm Princes is a Grimoire Card in the Enemies category and Exalted Hive subcategory. It can be obtained by encountering Swarm Princes.

How to Rank Up

In-game Bonus

Last modified 10 years ago

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