Eon Tracer Cloak

Eon Tracer Cloak
Eon Tracer Cloak
Year 3
Type Hunter Cloak
Class Hunter
Level 40
Rarity Legendary
Faction Future War Cult
Defense 250 - 390
Discipline 21 - 35
Strength 21 - 35
Intellect 21 - 35
Acquired by Purchased from Lakshmi-2, reward from Future War Cult rank-up packages, or Nightfall
Vendor Future War Cult Vendor
Cost 75 Legendary Marks
Description "We trace the history of war throughout the ages." —Lakshmi-2
Eon Tracer Cloak is a level 40 Legendary Hunter Cloak. It can be Purchased from Lakshmi-2 for 75 Legendary Marks. It can also drop from Future War Cult rank-up packages or as a Nightfall reward.

See also: Eon Tracer armor set.


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Last modified 8 years ago

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