Felwinter Peak

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General Information

Felwinter Peak is the Social Space introduced in Destiny's Rise of Iron expansion. It is the 3rd Social Space in game, after The Tower and Vestian Outpost. Felwinter Peak overlooks Plaguelands below. Felwinter Peak serves as the hub for Rise of Iron and Iron Banner. Similar to The Reef, it does not replace The Tower.

Unlike other Social Spaces, Felwinter Peak is not unlocked at the start of the expansion. The initial mission of RoI tasks the players to defeat the Fallen and reclaim Felwinter Peak.

Vendor NPCs

Tyra Karn - Iron Lord Artifacts

Shiro-4 - Weekly Bounties

Lord Saladin -

Bounty Tracker - Vanguard and Crucible Bounties

Eververse Trading Company - Purchase items with Silver and Silver Dust

Lady Efrideet - new Iron Banner vendor

Iron Lord Temple

See also: Iron Lord Temple

Iron Lord Temple is a location located in Felwinter Peak, Earth. The temple contains 8 giant statues. Each statue represents an Iron Lord who gave his or her life during the SIVA outbreak containment. Each Iron Lord Statue also has a corresponding Iron Lord Artifact. When you obtain a new Iron Lord Artifact, you can go to the corresponding statue and activate the action "Empower Artifact". This action lights a fire under the statue. The flames are nice visual symbolism that helps the player to keep track of their Iron Artifact progress.
